DSA: return of Wine Fest

The Downtown Sheridan Association is bringing back an event for wine lovers.
In the past, the DSA Wine Fest was held in March, but COVID-19 put Wine Fest on hold, like so many other events. This year, the DSA is revamping the festival and scheduling it for Friday, Sept. 16.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, DSA Executive Director Zoila Perry and board president Kristin Herbst told listeners a list of wine distributors from all over Wyoming have been contacted and will bring wine made in many parts of the nation. Perry also told listeners that the date isn’t the only thing that has changed.
The theme for this year’s Wine Fest will be Fresh Harvest. All funds raised from Wine Fest benefit the DSA’s ongoing efforts to revitalize and preserve historic downtown Sheridan. Perry said the Annual Wine Fest is an event that provides crucial assets for generating downtown development projects.
This event is only for those 21 years old and over. Tickets go on sale Aug 17, and will be available at the DSA Office 121 South Main St. in Sheridan or on the website, here.