Sheridan County HS Wrestling Results: January 17-21, 2023

The Sheridan boys finished 2nd and the Tongue River boys placed 13th at the Moorcroft Mixer, while the Sheridan girls placed 3rd.
Tongue River also had dual meets earlier in the week at Buffalo and home vs. Lovell.
The next scheduled wrestling meet for Sheridan is a dual meet at Natrona on Thursday, January 26th and then the Ron Thon Invitational at Riverton on Friday and Saturday, January 27th and 28th.
The next scheduled wrestling meet for Tongue River is at Hardin, Montana on Saturday, January 28th.
Moorcroft Mixer Results:
Sheridan Boys: Kolten Powers placed 1st at 120 pounds, Landon Wood placed 1st at 126 pounds, Keegan Rager placed 3rd at 132 pounds, Dylan Goss placed 2nd at 138 pounds, Dawson Goss placed 1st at 145 pounds, Dane Steel placed 1st at 160 pounds, Terran Grooms placed 1st at 170 pounds, Colson Coon placed 1st at 182 pounds, and Aiden Selcher placed 2nd at 220 pounds.
Tongue River Boys: Aidan Collingwood (138 pounds) and AJ Moline (170 pounds) each placed 4th in their weight class.
Sheridan Girls: Trinity Peterson placed 2nd at 130 pounds, Paityn Covolo placed 3rd at 135 pounds, Eva Anderson placed 2nd at 155 pounds, Bridgette Price placed 3rd at 170 pounds, Becca Oetken and Kylah Pleines placed 1st and 3rd respetively at 190 pounds, and Jada Bohm placed 2nd at 235 pounds.
Moorcroft Mixer Boys: Click here to see results
Moorcroft Mixer Girls: Click here to see results
Buffalo 46 Tongue River 15: Click here to see results
Lovell at Tongue River: Waiting for results.