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City Council approves funds for Impact 307

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Sheridan’s City Council has approved funding for two years for Impact 307 – but on a split vote and a failed amendment.

Action came during the council meeting Monday night. Approval was given 4-1 for a funding agreement that would see the city paying the business incubator semi-annual payments of $30,000 a year for two years. Councilor Kristen Jennings cast the vote against the agreement.

A motion was first made for the two-year agreement, then an amendment was proposed that the agreement be for one year only, after which the council would take another look at the funding arrangement. The amendment failed.

Impact 307 offers entrepreneurial programs and resources for those interested in starting a new business or early-stage entrepreneurs wanting to grow.

In February, Impact 307 requested $80,000 in General Purpose Excise Tax Funding from the city, and the council at that time voted to not allocate any funds to the organization. At Monday’s meeting, former mayor Roger Miller questioned whether the city is getting any benefits from Impact 307 and recommended that the council not involve itself any further in the business incubator.

The council took action on several other items Monday and heard updates on the Child Development Center and the Community Forestry and Weed and Pest Division. Sheridan Media will have stories on those later.

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    Thomas Jones

    April 6, 2021 at 8:58 am

    I agree with the former mayor. Was the council provided with any statistics regarding impact 307s impact, or was it just a feel good vote?

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