Urgent care facility now on Burton Street

Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s Urgent Care facility has moved.
The new location is at 1435 Burton Street, one block south of Fifth Street – the former location of Big Horn Medicine, according to Dr. David Nickerson, Memorial Hospital’s emergency medicine specialist.
Dr. Nickerson explained why the move has happened.
But over time, he said, the urgent care facility got busier and busier, and the volume of patients has almost tripled. He said the problem until now has been a lack of patient rooms.
Urgent Care is open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays. The facility is closed on Sundays.
Dr. Nickerson said there are two ways people can arrange to be seen at the clinic – either by just walking in or by scheduling an appointment online. To do that, he said, they should go to
When coming to the clinic, to be in compliance with current COVID-19 restrictions, Dr. Nickerson said people must wear a mask, but if they don’t have a mask, urgent care will provide one. He said people are screened as they come in the door, and those who exhibit symptoms of contagion are immediately directed to a room specifically set up for COVID-19 precautions.
He said those with no COVID-19 symptoms are sent to a waiting room on the other side of the building.
Dr. Nickerson said the clinic in its new location still has X-ray equipment and a lab and can continue to provide the same services that were available at the old location. He said the facility also has more than twice the number of patient rooms, which reduces the amount of time patients must wait before being seen.