Heyneman Announces Candidacy for House District 30

Sheridan County resident John Heyneman has announced his candidacy for the House District 30 seat. House District 30 is located in the northwest section of Sheridan County and is bordered by the north by the Montana State Line, and to the south by Johnson County. The district encompasses both rural and urban communities, as it wraps round the North, East and South of Sheridan and continues East near Ucross. House District 30 includes approximately 9,500 Sheridan County residents, 3,000 of whom are registered voters.
Heyneman, in a news release announcing that he will be running to win the Republican primary for HD30 in August, said that “it’s time for active representation on the issues that matter in House District 30,” and that “we can’t sit on the sidelines focusing on social issues, we must address out state’s economic situation, job growth, healthcare, education and public lands. Representative Mark Jennings currently holds the HD30 seat and has yet to announce if he will be seeking reelection. The Primary Election this year is set for Tuesday, August 18.

May 5, 2020 at 11:33 am
Good Guy, he will do well…………
Robert Morrill
May 5, 2020 at 4:05 pm
Ok an he’s from where again???