11 months agoon
Ron RichterThe Wyoming Legislature reached a stalemate Monday on the budget and will continue to work on a resolution in an effort to get a budget to the desk of Governor Mark Gordon by week’s end, when the 2024 Legislative Budget Session is scheduled to conclude. Civics 307 Founder Gail Symons recently spoke with Sheridan Media about the activity of the final few days of the session. She said all negotiations on the budget ceased Monday night.
The Joint Conference Committee was dissolved and what is referred to as a “free” committee was formed to work on the budget to send to both chambers for approval. Symons talked about what’s causing the division between the House and the Senate.
The last time a free committee was used to work on Wyoming’s biennial budget was in 1999. You can find up to date bill tracker information here.
Dennis Fox
March 5, 2024 at 11:57 pm
Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll have to shut down the state gov’t, too. Imagine how nice it would be to live in a world without high-taxing, ever-growing, big-gov’t, interfering in our lives.
I guess we can all dream of returning to the limited gov’t days of America’s founding. AAAHHHH.