Governor Gordon Brings Mental Health Town Hall Meetings to Pinedale and Gillette

In October, Governor Mark Gordon announced a series of town hall meetings in an effort to work on solutions to improve mental health care in Wyoming and further explore community perspectives on the issue. The next meetings scheduled will be in Pinedale and Gillette. The Pinedale meeting will be Friday, December 15 from 9:30 to 11 am at the Sublette County Public Library. Correction: The mental health town hall meeting in Gillette will take place Monday, December 18 from 9 to 10:30 am at the Campbell County Fire Department Training Center at 701 Larch Street.
According to information from Gordon’s Office, the discussions are open to the public and aimed at fostering open conversations with community members and partners about efforts underway to increase awareness of available resources and improve access to care. Representatives of the executive, legislative and judicial branches are invited to attend, as well as local elected officials.
Gordon said he’s been impressed with the honesty and engagement from community members during the previous town hall meetings and he is looking forward to the additional meetings. Gordon has made it a priority to improve access to mental health resources. The Health Care Task Force is working to identify barriers, opportunities, and gaps in the network of mental health and substance abuse care in the state. The town halls are an opportunity to hear from local communities with firsthand experience of this issue.