2 years agoon
It’s well known that The Hub on Smith is more than just a place to gather and share a meal or coffee with a friend. There’s care services, health and wellness, quality of life classes, anti-scammer classes and more. Staff also coordinate with other organizations and perform referrals as well as offer their own services to the community of Sheridan County.
With everything that happens at the facility and the long list of services provided by The Hub, coordination is vital. This is where the Support Center comes into play, creating synergy.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, The Hub on Smith Support Center Manager, Helaine McRae, informed listeners on the mission of the Support Center.
The Support Center is The Hub’s first point of contact for people in crisis and for those seeking services and resources. McRae told listeners the Support Center team helps people connect to resources at the Hub and throughout Sheridan County, the region and through 211, the entire Cowboy State.
According to The Hub, the program is similar to how an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) would operate in another state.
The Hub reports that currently, Wyoming is the only state in the country that does not fund these services, despite encouragement and pressure from the Federal Administration on Aging, Community Living Services Office.
The Hub Reports that the Support Center staff have been on-boarding and providing information and referral service to an average of 27-35 residents a month. Currently, the Support Center is providing care coordination for 312 people.
To learn more about the support and services that are offered through the Support Center at The Hub on Smith, click here.