Buffalo Council Welcomes New Members, Makes Appointments

At their meeting Tuesday evening, the Buffalo City Council welcomed Scott Madsen and Wes Haskins to the council, who were sworn into office during the meeting after the two won their seats in last fall’s election.
Approved by the council were Mayor Shane Schrader’s appointment recommendations.
Myra Camino was approved as vice-mayor.
Dennis Kirven was retained as city attorney.
Sean Bissett was approved to continue as police chief.
Julie Silbernagel was re-appointed as city clerk/treasurer.
Municipal judge Mary Hupy was approved for another term, and Carina Ostberg was appointed as the alternate.
Clarence “Gomer” Gammon III was retained as city fire chief.
Safety director Larry Joubert was also re-appointed.
And Terry Asay was retained as city building inspector.
Kimberly Harvey was also approved by the council to serve a three-year term on the Buffalo-Johnson Recycling Center Joint Powers Board.