Crosswalk Safety Bill to Be Heard in House Committee

A proposed bill that would authorize the use of video systems on official traffic control devices to monitor pedestrian safety at school zone crosswalks in Wyoming will be heard by the House Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Committee today.
House Bill 68 is authored by Representative Bill Henderson of Cheyenne authored House Bill 68 and said the legislation is intended to address safety concerns expressed by stakeholders, community members and the Wyoming Department of Transportation. The measure allows for video recordings between 7 am and 4 pm on days that school is in session. Drivers who fail to stop for pedestrians in school zone crosswalks during school hours could receive fines based on the video evidence.

Bruce A Coe
January 24, 2023 at 10:29 am
I have investigated this topic, and have to endorse this Police State tactic. Sometimes tough love when well-managed is a positive in reality… even snake venom is utilized as a positive in capable hands. In Wyoming, my fine neighbors are worthy of hearing their points of view. Strength in the positive attributes and the governance through time have proven how adult behavior in our State, Wyoming…