Zonta to Form New Club in Sheridan
2 years agoon
cvannoyDenise Parrish and Deedee Boysen with the Zonta Sign at Third Thursday
Zonta International, District 12, is forming a new Zonta Club in the Sheridan/Big Horn Area. It is open to both women and men.
Zonta is a service organization which started in New York state in 1919 and has grown to 1133 clubs in 52 countries. Its mission is to build a better world for women and girls.
Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men. They envision a world where no woman lives in fear of violence.
Deedee Boysen past Zonta governor and chair of the committee to get the new club started in Sheridan, had a booth at the Third Thursday street fair on Sept. 15.
This club would be affiliated with 19 other clubs in Colorado, SD, Montana, and Wyoming area. The Denver Club was the first one west of the Mississippi.
Zonta has many international service projects. From 2022-24, Zonta is focusing on a project to end Child Marriage.
They are also working to improve the capacity of services for the health needs of adolescent girls in Peru, and prevent all forms of violence in schools.
Denise Parrish of the Cheyenne club talked about what they want to the clubs to focus on.
The name Zonta is derived from the Lakota word meaning “honest and trustworthy.” Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Zonta International clubs and individual members strive to ensure every woman has access to education and resources and that more women are represented in decision making positions.
Zonta offer annual scholarships and awards, such as Young Women in Public Affairs, for girls from 16-19; The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business; Women in Technology; and the Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program.
To become a member one must share Zonta’s vision and be prepared to actively participate in club activities.
The club in Sheridan will meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month Sheridan’s Rib and Chop Restaurant at 847 N. Main from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Participants may order of the menu if desired. Upcoming meeting dates are Oct. 11; Nov. 8; and Dec. 13. For more information contact Deedee Boysen at