3 years agoon
cvannoyThe Clearmont Town Council held their July meeting on July 18 at town hall. Visitors included Shawn Parker, Sheridan Travel and Tourism, and Eric Horsely, Sheridan County Sheriff’s department.
Parker talked about the Lodging Tax Resolution. The Lodging Tax funds Sheridan Travel and Tourism’s advertising to promote Sheridan and Sheridan County. The town signed the resolution and continuation of the tax will be voted on in November.
The towns insurance policy was discussed, with Mayor Chris Schock presenting two insurance quotes for the council to vote on, one with a $1,000 deductible and one with a $2,500 deductible. The council discussed the two quotes, as well as discussing whether or not to keep insurance on a small building at the landfill. The council voted to accept the policy with the $2,500 deductible and to not insure the landfill building.
Schock also reported that he talked to the county commissioners about the highway project through Clearmont on to Gillette, but the project will not begin until 2026. As a side note, Schock said,
Councilwoman Jennifer Betz commented that she thought Wyoming asked for a variance because in Wyoming there is no way they could do that, and that a single changing station cost over $10,000.
Shawn Parker added this:
Schock added that at the present time there was no interest in a charging station in Clearmont.
Schock talked to new school superintendent Chase Christensen, and he said they were having a Back to School Bar-B-Que on August 11. The Clearmont Community Church will provide the meat for the event, and the town of Clearmont will provide bottled water.
Schock also said he had received some interest in the maintenance position for the town, but no one has been hired yet. He reported that there have been eight rattlesnakes killed in the town, and that all residents should be aware as well as watching out for their pets.