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Jackalopes Explore

Jackalopes Explore Ghosts

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Jackalopes Explore” is an exciting adventure show where Floyd, Aaron, Madyson, and Steve take you on a journey to explore the unknown. In this episode, “Ghosts,” the team discusses all things paranormal, from haunted houses to ghost sightings. Get ready to be spooked as the Jackalopes delve into the mysterious world of ghosts and share their personal experiences with the supernatural.

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    Kevin Bennage

    April 27, 2023 at 11:43 am

    Get pod cast. I have been doing paranormal studies for 16+ years. I have done over 300 investigations, in the state of Wyoming.
    I have found plenty evidence, such as EVP’s, Video, and Photos. I love how your pod cast, is about informing, and education.
    I will listen for more from you folks. Great work.

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