High School Sports Looking for a Smooth Start to 2022 / Cowgirls and Cowboy Hoops Big League Games Coming up.

SHS WINTER SPORTS / COVID – The high school winter sports restarts on Monday and Sheridan high school is expecting a record number to participate in indoor track joining basketball, wrestling and boys swimming.
As the new COVID variant gains ground high school Activities Director Don Julian says they been dealing with COVID for the last year and half and protocols are set and they are ready to deal with any issues they might face.
COWGIRL HOOPS – The Wyoming Cowgirls play at UNLV today they open the new year Monday at home with Boise state.
COWBOY HOOPS – The Wyoming basketball Cowboys open league play at home against Boise state you can hear the game live tomorrow on KWYO and 106.9 FM pregame starts at 1:30 with tip off at 2:00.
BRONCO FOOTBALL – The Denver Broncos play the Chargers Sunday afternoon you can hear the game on KWYO and 106.9 FM pregame at noon kickoff is at 2:05.