Flight Times to Change between Sheridan and Denver

SkyWest Airlines currently provides two flights daily between Sheridan and Denver, and two return flights between Denver and Sheridan.
Two of those flight times will change at some point this spring, according to Airport Manager Robert Gill.
Gill said the airline and the Sheridan Airport were both looking at changing the flight times, which weren’t ideal, but issues such as pilot shortages and getting aircraft back into the system put the changes on hold.
According to Gill, the airline plans to implement the changes in flight times on May 22, but it may be done sooner depending on a number of factors that could speed up the process.
He said the changes are a positive in a good working relationship with all involved.
To view the changes, find this story online at
The changes to the filght times are:
Daily departures from Sheridan to Denver will be moved back from 10:51 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
The daily departures from Denver to Sheridan will move back from 8 a.m. to 12:02 p.m.
The other flights from Sheridan to Denver leaving at 5:15 a.m. and from Denver to Sheridan leaving at 9:04 p.m. will remain unchanged.