10 months agoon
News ReleaseGovernor Gordon thanked the 67th Legislature and has signed HB0001, punctuating the Legislative Session with a conservative, true biennial budget that achieves his goal of advancing Wyoming.
The final budget prioritizes improving government services for citizens, promoting economic growth, bettering the quality of life for families who live and work in the state, as well as investing and saving for the future.
“This budget addresses our challenges and positions Wyoming for a prosperous future,” Governor Gordon said. “We are fighting federal overreach, advancing our industries, providing practical property tax relief, ensuring adequate funding for our schools, counties, and communities and providing the services Wyoming residents expect.”
The budget includes numerous priorities the Governor outlined in his State of the State speech, including:
Governor Gordon issued a number of line-item vetoes within the budget, which are fully detailed in his letter, namely to uphold separation of powers, executive authority, and limiting the scope of the bill to properly fund government. In his line-item veto letter, which details each change, the Governor expressed dismay with the curious approach the legislature took to building the budget – one that almost jeopardized state agency operations and other important state needs.
“Last year in my budget veto letter, I congratulated both chambers on passing a budget in record time – all while increasing transparency. It is unfortunate this session did not follow suit,” Governor Gordon wrote. “Over 300 amendments to this one bill, some of which were introduced to save legislation that failed earlier in the session, almost caused the budget bill to share the same fate.”
The Governor left intact a budget amendment authorizing the sale of the “Kelly Parcel”, a square mile of school trust property in Teton County, for no less than $100 million with specific conditions relating to the Rock Springs RMP.
ed huff
March 23, 2024 at 1:26 pm
what do the other 99% of homeowners get? we need tax relief too. stop spending like the feds or california. just because someone gives you a free horse, dosent mean you dont have to feed it. ed dubois, wy taking FREE(no such thing) money always comes with strings attached. pretty soon your dancing to someone elses tune.
Dennis Fox
March 27, 2024 at 4:00 pm
The rest of us get nothing. They allow property taxes to soar thru the roof, then cap it at 4% growth for awhile. All the time sitting on the largest Budget Surplus in Wyoming State history!
And the local commissioners are to blame, too, because they keep the property MILL Rate at the maximum allowed by Law. They’ve done it for years and then point the finger at the legislature.
I’m voting to lower the only tax I can and that’s the one percent sales tax add-on. Both the Cap Tax and the One-percent Excess Tax have got to go.
Lower taxes are our only hope.
Vote yourself a tax break and pocket the 10 grand savings. (over a working lifetime)
Michael J Johnson
March 28, 2024 at 5:21 pm
Instead of saving 61 cents a day ($10,000.00 divided by 45 working lifetime years equals $222.00 a year divided by 365 days in a year equals 61 cents a day)and although I know invested wisely these dollars can earn more but isn’t it a small amount to pay to help fund things that makes Sheridan a better place to call home, things that may not otherwise get funded. There are only 5 (five) counties in Wyoming with a lower tax rate than Sheridan. That’s right only 5. Its not a majority of the counties as someone might try to lead you to believe.
The one-cent sales tax is levied on sales in the city with the exception of food. The money raised from the GPET goes to pay for projects that may not otherwise be funded by the council. These funds helped to purchase the new ladder truck for the Sheridan City Fire-Rescue, new pathways at Gateway Park and even drainage improvements throughout Sheridan.
Other projects include parks and recreation, beautification projects and some projects chosen by the residents of Sheridan. Its not just dollars used to help fund the many 501(c)(3)s (the Hub, Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce, DSA and several other non profits) in Sheridan that in turn helps the citizens of Sheridan but helps fund other projects that make Sheridan the great place it is to live.