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Jo Co Commission Approves Budget Amendment

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Johnson County’s Cmmissioners have approved Resolution No.711, a budget amendment for their current 2023-24 budget.

At their meeting this week, Chairman Bill Novotny entered into a budget hearing and discussed the amendment.

Specifically, the amendments showed funds coming from the National Opioid Settlement Fund in the amount of $11,870.70; from the Wyoming Department of Health in the amount of $9,125.43 for the gambling treatment grant; $61,000 from the Wyoming Department of Family Services for the county’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Grant; from the Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera program, $17,726.50 for body cameras for local law enforcement; and $5,810 from the Wyoming Department of Homeland Security for the mobile command trailer radio program.

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