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Clearmont Women’s Club Quilting Bee Held Saturday

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The Clearmont Women’s Club Quilting Bee was held on Saturday, March 18 in honor of national quilting month. It included a potluck dinner for all those attending. “We have lunch together and just have a fun day,” Cheryl Roebling, Clearmont Women’s Club President, said. Women’s Club and community members came to help put the quilts together.

A quilting bee is an old tradition. In the 19th Century, quilting held a high importance in many homes and was an essential part of homemaking. Women gradually turned it into a relaxing hobby while socializing with their friends.

Fran Felz and Cheryl Roebling

This from the Kemmerer Camera, nearly 100 years ago in June of 1914 – A Quilting Bee – Mrs. F. L. Palmer and her daughter, Mrs Fred Humerick were hostesses on Thursday, May 22, entertaining the Ladies Aid Society at their homes at a quilting bee, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. The quilting took place at Mrs. Palmer’s and lunch was served at the Humerick home across the street, and a large attendance enjoyed their hospitality. The quilt was presented to the Aid and will be sold later, and the proceeds placed to their credit.
The Clearmont group holds the quilting bee each year at the Clearmont Community Center. They have donated quilts to the Foster Parent’s Exchange, and the VOA’s homeless shelter.

Fran Felz with a quilt

Cheyl Roebling talked about the group and making the quilts.

The quilting bee is a social event which was popularized as a way for women to gather around and showcase their talent as quilters while they talked and exchanged news of the community. Many quilting bees were held before a wedding, with the bride’s quilt being the focus.

Vivian Ramsay, Amy Rowe, Cheryl Roebling and Ira Roadifer at the quilting bee.

Amy Rowe, Women’s Club, added what she enjoyed about the quilting bee.

Around 10 people came to help out with the quilts, and Rowe said they put together 11 quilts.

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