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Kinskey On ‘Ultra-Conservative’ Move in Legislature

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State Senator Dave Kinskey (R-Sheridan, Johnson Counties), in his weekly talk with Sheridan Media from the legislative session, discussed the perception that the state legislature may be moving more to the right, becoming even more conservative.

He gave his thoughts on the subject.

Kinskey said there’s not a solid block of ultra-conservative votes in the Senate.

We will have more from our talk with Senator Dave Kinsky in upcoming stories.



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    mark steingass

    February 23, 2023 at 7:28 am

    the legislature IS too conservative if it walks like a “duck” and talks like a “duck” it is a “duck”…can’t fool me

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    Harriett Oleson

    February 23, 2023 at 8:20 am

    You defend a bill that takes away my right to “cross over” my vote. This legislature took away women’s rights to control their own bodies. Not Ultra-Conservative??, can’t fool me either Dave. A Duck is Still A Duck, Dave. It is insulting to know you think we are so easily fooled.

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      mark steingass

      February 23, 2023 at 11:40 am

      good point Harriett…the legislature not only took away the right’s of women to control their own bodies while at the same time Medicaid expansion dies year after year in the state legislature…Medicaid that could well benefit the lives and well being of the very “mothers lives” who the legislature “took control of”…If the legislature is going to “talk the talk”…then they need to “walk the walk” and expand Medicaid

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