Purpose of Schubert to meet ‘missing middle’ of housing

The purpose of the Schubert Resub, according to developer Ron Patterson, is to meet what he calls the “missing middle” of our local housing.
Patterson’s project is one of four being considered by Sheridan County commissioners for all, or a share of, $340,000 intended to finance affordable housing in Sheridan County.
Patterson elaborated on his reason for this project in an affordable housing meeting earlier this month.
02-12-83 PATTERSON Q … only. :20
The proposed development would be at the end of the pavement on East Burkitt Street. An existing structure at 902 Burkitt would be removed and replaced with new housing.

In a letter to commissioners, Patterson said the total number of units could be five single-family residents, three duplexes or four duplex units, depending on factors that include site grading, city-required improvements, and/or permit costs.
Patterson projects that construction of housing could start in the fall of 2020 and would be completed by fall, 2022.
In his letter, Patterson said the project is intended to be a pilot for single-parent households, first-time buyers and those who qualify for Habitat for Humanity.