Help at Home: here when you need them

The Hub on Smith’s Help at Home program is customized to target the needs of each individual they serve. According to the Hub, this support is utilized while maintaining a person’s dignity, respect and independence.
Hub on Smith Community Engagement Coordinator Erin Kranz-Linden and Director of Development Ryan Koltiska made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to alert the public to many uses and benefits of the program.
E. Kranz-Linden
Homecare includes helping individuals with things such as cooking, shopping, essential cleaning, and essential laundry.
Personal Care includes assisting with bathing, grooming, feeding, ambulating, exercising, oral hygiene, and skincare.
This service from the Hub can be short or long term. Koltiska said there are many avenues available to help mitigate the cost. The best route to check for eligibility is to have a conversation with the Help at Home office at 307-675-1978 for more information.
R. Koltiska
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