SCSD#2 Addresses Teacher Housing

Lack of affordable teacher housing has been a problem in many towns in Wyoming. Houses are in short supply in many areas, and those that are available can be very expensive.
Scott Stults, Superintendent at SCSD#2, talked about the lack of housing in Sheridan. He said this was not a new concern in Sheridan, “We’ve seen that for years,” But he added that recently they have seen a drastic increase in the price of homes in the area. This increase is making it difficult for teachers to find housing, either a rental or a purchase, that they can afford on a teacher’s salary.
There is currently a teacher shortage nationwide as well, with some towns having to start the 2023 school year without being fully staffed with teachers. Even though Sheridan and the surrounding school districts have been able to hire teachers, Stults said that the pool of applicants is smaller than it has been in previous years. This, and the lack of housing, is making it difficult to find quality teachers,
Stults said that, looking forward, that the school does not want to lose an opportunity to employ high quality staff because they can’t find affordable housing in Sheridan.
Stults added that this would not be long term housing, a year perhaps, but no longer than two years, that would allow the individuals time to find more permanent housing. It will also give the teacher time to decide if they want to continue living in Sheridan as well.
Stults talked about the facilities they are remodeling
There are plans to close the sale in February, and the remodeled houses will be ready by spring. They will still have to find a way to determine who will qualify for the housing. At the present the housing will only be available for SCSD#2 personnel. He added,

“We are so fortunate in our community, the different foundations, the different financial and in-kind support we get from the community is second to none. Many things we could not do without this support.”