Animal Ordinance on Council’s Agenda

Second reading of ordinance #2233 that deals with animals within the City of Sheridan, will be considered by the City Council at their regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night. When the ordinance was approved by the Council on first reading on August 2, it included an amendment brought forth by Councilman Jacob Martin prohibiting the declawing of cats in Sheridan unless it was deemed medically necessary. City of Sheridan Mayor Rich Bridger says a proposed amendment to the animal ordinance would remove that prohibition.
Mayor Bridger said there are two other amendments to the ordinance that will be considered on second reading.
Council will also be considering a resolution to allow Mayor Bridger to sign the applications for the Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) Community Development Block Grants.
The Council meeting will take place at 7 pm Monday in Council Chambers on the third floor of Sheridan City Hall. A copy of the agenda can be viewed here.

Paul Huson
September 18, 2021 at 3:34 pm
How does Jacob Martin feel about branding and castrating livestock?