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Wyo State Rep. Clem Holding Rally to Protest “Tyranny” of Gov. Gordon

Outgoing state Rep. Scott Clem of Gillette is making a statement as he leaves office by organizing a protest rally at the Wyoming State Capitol at noon on Jan. 4.

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This story first appeared on Cowboy State Daily

By Ellen Fike, Cowboy State Daily

Outgoing state Rep. Scott Clem of Gillette is making a statement as he leaves office by organizing a protest rally at the Wyoming State Capitol at noon on Jan. 4.

The “Free Wyoming Rally” will be a chance to “practice our constitutional rights to peaceably assemble and protest the tyranny of our Wyoming State Governor,” Clem wrote in a post on his legislative Facebook page.

Clem added that he scheduled the protest for Jan. 4 because it is the same week the statewide health orders, including the mask mandate, will expire and he wants citizens to “demand it stay that way.”

“The Governor and the Legislature have received thousands of emails from Wyomingites pleading for their rights to be upheld, to operate their businesses without gov’t infringement, to plead for their right to work and make a living, to see their loved ones who now suffer in a make-shift prison with a devalued quality of life, to reign in the power of the state health officer, to stand with Wyoming voters against election fraud in other states, and to stand with President Donald Trump,” Clem wrote.

All of the aforementioned requests have fallen on deaf ears, Clem claimed, adding that some of the people complaining have been ridiculed by government officials.

Clem also said that Wyomingites were being looked as subjects to be controlled by “Big Brother,” a reference to the tyrannical ruler in George Orwell’s novel “1984.”

He also claimed 70% of the state’s residents were “furious because our elected officials won’t stand for election integrity,” referring to Gov. Mark Gordon’s refusal to join a multi-state lawsuit questioning the validity of many votes cast in the presidential election.

“It’s time to take our unheard concerns to his front door at the Capitol,” Clem wrote. “It’s time to make them hear our voices. This is something to take off work for. This is something to assemble en masse for. It’s your turn to stand for the freedoms our fathers gave their lives for.”

A spokesperson for Gov. Mark Gordon told the Casper Star Tribune that the governor is supportive of anyone who carries out their First Amendment rights.

“As for the protests next week, the Governor has heard many criticisms from all sides and understands there are varying perspectives on how to handle this virus and its myriad impacts,” the spokesperson said.

A request for comment sent to the Wyoming Republican Party was not immediately returned as of Tuesday afternoon.

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    Strom Morrison

    December 30, 2020 at 9:14 am

    OH wonderful. First held hostage by extreme left winged people now the same for extreme right winged people. What happened to the middle. Are we just the silent majority who are brow beaten by both sides?

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      Mitch Smith

      December 30, 2020 at 10:56 am

      the way you get your point across these days is by being radical. have you been living under a rock??

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      Sam Grover

      December 30, 2020 at 6:19 pm

      Please explain how you are being “held hostage” by the right? I’m a centrist kind of guy myself, but you sound like a victim.

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    William Matteson

    December 30, 2020 at 9:55 am

    What makes him think 70% of Wyomingites are “furious” that Democracy was upheld? Surely there are still Republicans who recognize that Trump lost, pure and simple.

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    Thomas Jones

    December 30, 2020 at 11:02 am

    Thank you Rep. Clem! I have a feeling that the current mask mandate will extend beyond Jan 8th.

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    Harriett Oleson

    December 30, 2020 at 11:04 am

    So, another temper tantrum from another out-going politico. Is it really “tyranny” to save lives?? Thank You Gov. Gordon for having the brains and the fortitude to do the RIGHT thing about Covid. The Supreme Court would not even hear the Texas whine, 60+ lawsuits about fraud were dismissed in courts with Trump appointed judges in some of them, Bill Barr said no evidence of fraud, FBI said no fraud, 50 State election offices said no fraud, the only voice that said Fraud is Trumps with NO evidence to back his claims. It’s called democracy, the people have voted, let’s just move on. We have FAR more serious things to address.

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    Olivia Cupant

    December 30, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    I’d like to protest the tyranny of closed roads in the winter! Who do those state troopers and WYDOT staff think they are curtailing my right to drive on snowy, drifted roads? I’d also like to protest the tyranny of drivers licenses and license plates. The government has no right to know what kind of car I drive or whether it’s insured. Will it never end????? I keep trying to get the state Republican Party to address these infringements up on my god-given rights but they just ignore me.

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      Harriet Oleson

      December 30, 2020 at 2:11 pm

      Very well said, Olivia! Yours is a thinking persons voice of reason, logic and True democracy. Thank You!!!

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      Sam Grover

      December 30, 2020 at 6:23 pm

      You can’t be serious with these comparisons. People have a right to earn a living. They have a right not to be traced. Grow up a little.

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        Olivia Cupant

        December 31, 2020 at 11:27 am

        So you support a living wage and widespread unionization of workers? Because that’s what having a right to earn a living means.

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          Sam Grover

          January 3, 2021 at 9:16 am

          The correlations you’re drawing are mind numbing. You’re equating rights with more government. Our rights don’t come from the government, they are Inalienable. There’s a big paper about it called the constitution. Look into it.

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    Ron Howard

    December 30, 2020 at 3:05 pm

    What a colossal idiot.

  7. Avatar photo

    Brian Likewise

    December 31, 2020 at 6:58 am

    I urge people to write our representatives in Washington, DC and tell them to stand up and fight for Wyoming voters. Here is the text for the letter I wrote to Barrasso, Lummis, and Cheney.

    Senator Dr. John Barrasso
    307 Dirkson Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510

    Dear Senator,

    If there was ever a time to stand up and be heard, that time is now. It is time to stand up and speak for the voters of Wyoming who overwhelmingly voted for the man they wanted to continue to be President, Donald J. Trump.

    Those Wyoming voices were first muffled by the usual voter fraud of votes from the dead, people voting multiple times, ineligible people voting, that continues election after election in Democrat strongholds. Then our voices were spoken over by the election fraud of vote tabulating machines that were programmed to count votes for Trump as 0.87 and give the remaining 0.13 vote to Biden. Finally, when that was not enough to ensure the preselected candidate would win, they stopped the vote count in many states and under cover of darkness, trucked in ballots from neighboring states or pulled suitcases of ballots out from under tables and the counts went on in secret, shouting down the voices of the voters of Wyoming.

    I ask you, no, I beg of you to stand up and challenge the Electoral College slate of voters from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada on January 6. These states were all stolen through election fraud. Half of the country knows it and the other half are deluding themselves.

    The fact that the perpetrators of this travesty have gone to such great lengths to install Joe Biden as President makes me fear for what is planned for our Republic. One benefit of the tyranny instituted in the name of fighting the flu or group of flu viruses that they have named “Covid-19”, it has brought to light who among our representatives are on a quest for power and control and who stands for individual liberty and responsibility. Our own Governor is more than willing to use the state’s role as business licensor as a weapon to destroy the lives of small business owners while allowing big box stores to stay open and rake in the profits. His Attorney General could not be bothered even to sign on to a Texas lawsuit challenging this disastrous election, let alone file our own lawsuit defending the voters of Wyoming. There was a time when it would have been Wyoming leading the way when it came down to doing what is right.

    If Donald J. Trump takes the oath of office for his second term as President (as the voters of Wyoming and the majority of live, legal voters in this country have said he should) there will be rioting in the streets. It will be the same BLM and Antifa idiots that don’t even realize that they are just tools of whomever or whatever is behind this election fraud. These groups are small and could be handled very quickly if the police, and the National Guard as support, are allowed to do their jobs.

    If Joe Biden is installed as President, I am afraid a full blown civil war is in our future. We cannot allow this fraud to stand unchallenged or our Republic will be forever lost. For the Leftists to go to such great lengths to install such a pathetic candidate shows their lust for power and their intent to use it.

    I, for one, will not be loaded upon a cattle car to be turned to ash in the ovens of an American Auschwitz.


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      ray olson

      December 31, 2020 at 12:39 pm

      If the dems were able to fix the election why didn’t they throw in a few more senators? A little logic please.

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      Becky Brown

      December 31, 2020 at 10:36 pm

      People voted, Biden won, you need to accept the democratic process. The continued cry of fraud is a travesty. In every election someone loses, this time it was Trump, deal with it. 70+million people voted for Trump. 77+ million people voted for Biden. Stop tearing this country apart.

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        Thomas Jones

        January 1, 2021 at 8:04 pm

        For three years the media was screaming about a Trump – Russian collusion that ended up being a lie, and a special counsel that was convened found nothing. So what did the house file articles of impeaching Trump over? A single ‘whistleblowers’ second hand account of a conversation that Trump reportedly had with Ukrainian officials. A whistleblower who was never identified, nor has ever testified in a court of law, or at a congressional hearing.

        Hundreds of whistleblowers showed up as witnesses to hearings in GA, PA, AZ, and MI (Those hours long hearings are available for you to watch on youtube, so I dont need to go into detail). Their names, faces, and testimony are there for all to see. Why would they put their lives on the line in coming forward?

        Just because it isnt on CNN doesnt mean that it isnt true.

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    Brian Likewise

    December 31, 2020 at 7:07 am

    My wife and I also filed complaints against Harrist with the Wyoming Medical Board. I would suggest others do the same. Here is the text from my cover letter.

    Wyoming Board of Medicine
    130 Hobbs Avenue, Suite A
    Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002

    RE: Complaint against Dr. Alexia Harrist, State Health Officer
    Pandemic: An epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world due to a susceptible population. By definition, a true pandemic causes a high degree of mortality (death)

    This definition is copied from WebMD. This flu or group of flu viruses, that have been named “Covid-19” does not have a high degree of mortality and therefore is not a pandemic. Any and all special powers seized by any government official, agency, or officer are without merit and should be null and void. The vast majority of people that die with this disease, or group of diseases have serious and already certainly fatal co-morbidities. Even including these people that die with a disease or group of diseases that resemble what has been named “Covid-19”, over 99% of those infected survive. The Black Plague this is not.

    Dr. Harrist has seized power that is not warranted and prescribed action that is not justified. Not only is the mask mandate she is prescribing not justified it will cause harm to the citizens of Wyoming up to and including death. Wearing a mask is a health care decision that should not be taken lightly. There are many peer reviewed, scientific studies that document the many harmful effects of the prolonged wearing of masks. Dr. Harrist has to be either ignorant or is willfully ignoring these studies in order to inflict this order upon the citizens of Wyoming. In both cases, she is prescribing action beyond her area of expertise and knowledge. There should be repercussions for this.

    I expect this board to do its duty and revoke Dr. Harrist’s medical license for overstepping the boundaries of her authority and her knowledge.

    It is my understanding that medical doctors take an oath and part of that oath is to first do no harm. Masks do harm, it is documented, it is measurable. Live up to your oath.


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