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Wyoming Statute Gives Law Enforcement Authority To Enforce Health Orders

Wyoming statutes give state law enforcement agencies the authority to enforce public health orders such as the statewide mask mandate issued recently by Gov. Mark Gordon and state public health officer Dr. Alexia Harrist.

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This story first appeared on Cowboy State Daily

By Jim Angell, Cowboy State Daily

Wyoming statutes give state law enforcement agencies the authority to enforce public health orders such as the statewide mask mandate issued recently by Gov. Mark Gordon and state public health officer Dr. Alexia Harrist.

However, some county sheriffs have already stated they will not be issuing citations for those who refuse to abide by mask orders.

The section of Wyoming law regarding public health, Chapter 35, gives Wyoming’s public health officer and Health Department the authority to “investigate and control the causes of epidemic … affecting public health.”

It also specifically gives the department the authority to “close theaters, schools and other public places and to forbid gatherings of people when necessary to protect the public health.”

A violation of any “lawful rule or regulation” issued by the department is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, a 1-year jail term or both.

In addition to the statewide mask mandate, the state’s latest public health orders restrict the hours of operations for bars and restaurants and limit gatherings to 10 people or fewer.

However, law enforcement officials in several counties have announced they will not issue citations for violations of a mask mandate.

When county-level mask mandates were issued in a number of counties in November, sheriffs in Washakie, Lincoln and Sweetwater counties said they would not be enforcing the orders.

While urging residents to take common-sense precautions that might prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the three said they consider the decision to wear a mask a personal one.

Sweetwater County Sheriff John Grossnickle said he does not believe the mask mandate is enforceable because law enforcement officers will not be able to prove whether someone has a medical condition that would exempt them from the requirement.

The Washakie County Sheriff’s Department will not act as “the mask police” and won’t track anyone down for not following the orders, according to Sheriff Steven Rakness.

In light of the Lincoln County Public Health Office receiving the OK to implement a countywide mask mandate, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office said its officers not enforce it.

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  1. Avatar photo

    James Galloway

    December 10, 2020 at 11:25 am

    Good for those 3 Sheriff’s.

  2. Avatar photo

    Mitch Smith

    December 10, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    Thank You HIPPA Laws…… Claim a medical condition, educate yourself on the mandate, and understand, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MASK-UP!

  3. Avatar photo

    Thomas Daniells

    December 10, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    I do not understand why the business owners of Wyoming don’t sue the governor, he is in clear violation of the United States Constitution. One or two won’t get it done but a couple of thousand business owners will make him open this state so fast it would make his head swim.

  4. Avatar photo

    Thomas Jones

    December 10, 2020 at 1:30 pm

    99.7% recovery rate, and we get fascism. Anyone recall voting for harrist?

  5. Avatar photo

    Lori Young

    December 10, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    Educate yourself on whether masks actually stop the spread!! Check out Frontline Doctors testimonies, that work with actual patients daily. If they work, how come Gov. Gordon contracted it??

  6. Avatar photo

    Olivia Cupant

    December 10, 2020 at 8:57 pm

    Wow, so now law enforcement get to pick and choose which laws they enforce. And “upstanding citizens” like those commenting here applaud them. What ever happened to the rule of law? It seems that the only part of the U.S. Constitution way too many want to accept is the Second Amendment.

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      Mak Kells

      December 11, 2020 at 8:59 am

      These are NOT laws, they are public health orders. What “way to many” believe is that their tax funded law enforcement should cover laws and not orders.

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      James Galloway

      December 11, 2020 at 12:58 pm

      It’s not a law. That’s not how laws are made.
      The governor can’t make laws… From an upstanding citizen.

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