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Forbes Ranks Wyoming As One Of The Riskiest States To Travel To During Pandemic

Business magazine Forbes has declared Wyoming one of the riskiest states to travel to during the pandemic because of the alarming rise in coronavirus cases.

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By Ellen Fike, Cowboy State Daily

Business magazine Forbes has declared Wyoming one of the riskiest states to travel to during the pandemic because of the alarming rise in coronavirus cases.

Wyoming was ranked fourth in the list of 10 riskiest states, behind South and North Dakota and Iowa, respectively. Forbes said the list would be useful in determining which states to avoid until the virus is “brought under control.”

Of the top four states, three did not have statewide mask mandates implemented. North Dakota just enacted one last week.

The risk factors for Wyoming also included the fact that there are 125 new cases of the virus diagnosed daily per 100,000 people, as well as the fact that, according to Forbes, 43.4% of coronavirus tests are positive.

Forbes also noted Gov. Mark Gordon’s Friday news conference in which he raised his voice and called some people “knuckleheads” for not following precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.

“Since the start of the pandemic, Gordon has soft-pedaled the crisis by issuing recommendations rather than requirements. Instead of a statewide mandate, Gordon has kicked the can to local authorities,” the article said.

Other states in the list included Illinois, Wisconsin and Utah.



  1. Avatar photo

    Tim Aldrich

    November 16, 2020 at 5:47 pm

    I guess Gordon crony friends should have masked up from the beginning. Also he could have stopped the out of state hunters from coming and reimburse all monies back to hunters. But no! The big dollar signs in eyes and letting all that have all in the state. So lets not call our great state of Wyoming Crud. Because we seen from the beginning the numbers grow in the southern part of the state not in the northern part only until out of state hunters.

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    November 16, 2020 at 9:15 pm

    Just get after it now! Less talk and more action

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    Fred Osborn

    November 17, 2020 at 12:21 pm

    Interesting how Republican states are more prone to COVID…can’t imagine why.

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    Cindy Livingston

    November 17, 2020 at 12:32 pm

    I love having a Governor who holds the citizens responsible for their behavior. I loved him saying that people wear raincoats because it is raining not because they had to be told to (paraphrased). We should not have to be told to wear masks, social distance and stay home when possible. We should be doing these things because the world is in the middle of a pandemic. Every person needs to do their part to stop the spread of disease without having to have mandates. Also, what good are mandates when people who do not want to follow them just find reasons that they should not have to?

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    Lori Montoya

    November 18, 2020 at 11:24 am

    Yellowstone had record numbers of visitors this year, but most of the concessions in the Park were closed. I saw cars from every state here in Park County. They were trying to outrun the pandemic. We also have a lot more people in our state now, because people came here with money and offered 3 times the value of houses and paid cash. Kanye West moved here and all of his entourage fly in and out all the time. Wyomingites care for our lifestyle and we don’t take it for granted. Soon our state will have nothing left to give to us or anyone else if it keeps getting populated. We were a great kept secret until the Hollywood stars started moving in on us. Now, the pandemic is driving more people in. Gordon needs to protect us all, as even Park County still has 36 active cases of people with the virus that don’t have a local address. Hospital’s are overloaded in Wyoming now, and people who need medical care are forced to go to Denver from our area, at least for hopeful medical care. Why can’t we close the State Down for 2-3 weeks and get a handle on this virus? We have the military forces in Wyoming to guard all our entrances into the state. Isn’t this why we have the military? To fight for our country against Foreign and Domestic enemies. Seems to me, I had to state those vows when I was Active Duty Air Force. Gordon needs to learn how to govern instead of talking down to us children of Wyoming not playing nice with each other. Be a leader! Or you’ll be voted out…

  6. Avatar photo


    November 19, 2020 at 9:04 am

    I believe people are responsible for thier own actions. That being said it seems most people would rather be herded like sheep. If something doesn’t go their way, it can be blamed on the shepherd and/or the rancher.
    As far as red vs blue, much more death per number of infected in blue. 20 states have 82% of the vivid deaths. Wyoming, ND, SD, Montana, Utah,and Nebraska are still relatively safe. Rate of tested positive is partially due to higher numbers tested as testing has finally become readily available. The death has not increased as proportionally as positive tests. A fact often overlooked. I am sure if testing for the flu or common cold were done on t he same scale, the numbers afflicted were be much higher than normally posted.

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    November 19, 2020 at 11:40 am

    Love that Wyoming is free ! We have a right to choose, my research clearly shows masks don’t work at all! In fact poor people forced to wear them to keep their jobs are getting mouth sores , staph infections of the face , bacterial pneumonia, fainting, dizzy , lightheaded etc… all on the false premise of protection!…flue is at an all time LOW ! but so called coved is high ?? So masks work for flu ..but not for coved?? Come on wake up! Do the real science.. masks don’t do anything to keep you well , and coved invites better revenue than just the yearly flu … plus actual numbers of yearly deaths from everything have dropped significantly! LESS PEOPLE ARE DYING!! This isn’t a pandemic! Yes people are getting sick as always but what’s the real cause ? Could it be the flu?? Hummm

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