Hospital board retains current officers

Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s board of trustees will go into the year that starts on July 1 with the same officers that have guided the board through the current year.
Trustees voted to retain the same slate of officers at their meeting Wednesday night. David Smith is, and will be chairman of the board, with Dr. Timothy Scott vice chairman, Shirley Coulter secretary and Gene Davis treasurer.
In other action, Nyle Morgan, the hospital’s chief operating officer, updated the board on the hospital reopening, which is now in the third and final phase. Morgan said the hospital staff kept a set of criteria in front of them all the time as they moved forward with the reopening of services.
Hospital CEO Mike McCafferty said the hospital administration is watching what’s being done at the state level in terms of distribution of Wyoming’s share of CARE funds, the federal money intended to provide relief in the battle against the COVID-19 outbreak.

McCafferty said he will keep trustees up to date on what Sheridan Memorial Hospital is doing to secure a share of those funds.
In other action, trustees approved a utilization management plan presented in conjunction with the board’s quality committee report.