Wyoming Rehab works to keep you moving

Sheridan Memorial Hospital Wyoming Rehab physical therapists Justin Bridger and Lindsay Kinney made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to talk about their profession and how people can take advantage of physical therapy to not only recover but prevent injuries.
Many people have received physical therapy as a form of rehab; recovery from surgery, an accident or working to recover a range of mobility in a particular joint or muscle. But Kinney, Bridger and the team at Wyoming Rehab also work in pre-hab as described by Kinney.
L. Kinney
Recovery from surgery or an accident are not prerequisites to receive physical therapy. Many residents are looking to get back into shape, some after many years. Muscles, joints and bones change as we grow older. Bridger said Wyoming Rehab works with primary care physicians to accomplish much more with patients than simply recover.
J. Bridger
Each patient is different, each body and pain is different. Kinney, Bridger and the team at Wyoming Rehab have dedicated their professional lives to ensuring they are up to date on treatments, techniques and therapies for Sheridan Memorial Hospital patients and the public. But the best recommendations to relieve pain are the classics.
Learn more about Sheridan Memorial Hospital Wyoming Rehab and the many services they offer by clicking here.