Conservation District Board Approves Proposed Budget

The Sheridan County Conservation District is looking at a possible budget of around $1.2 million for the fiscal year that starts on July 1.
Carrie Rogaczewski, who’s conservation district manager, said a big part of the budget is pass-through funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Rogaczewski said the budget is still just proposed and subject to change between now and the start of the new fiscal year.
Conservation district supervisors approved the proposed budget in a meeting earlier this week, and scheduled a public hearing on the budget at 4 p.m. July 7, the date of their regular board meeting.
Rogaczewski said around $800,000 of the budget is pass-through money that will fund large emergency watershed protection programs, and another $100,000 is pass-through funds for smaller water projects. That leaves around $300,000 for staff salaries and other expenses of the district.
In addition, the proposed budget currently includes $7,000 for work on the Acme Power Plant.
At this time, Rogaczewski said, that number is just an estimate, because she has no specifics on costs for ongoing work on the old building and site. But, she said, she wanted to include some funding for the plant in case funds are needed.