Young at Heart Players production: The Pony Expresso, by Rachel Davidson

For over 15 years the Young at Heart Players have been putting on productions. These talented people are mostly made up of older people in the Sheridan community who continue to work to bring comedies, dramas and more to the public.
The latest production will be The Pony Expresso or The Villain Came to a Grinding Halt by Rachel Davidson. Director of the melodrama, Pat Tomsovic, and actress Kathy Urbatchka made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to speak on their continuing processes to bring this work to the community at the Hub on Smith.
The play involves a coffee shop/pony express station in the budding community of Waterpit, Nevada, where many people are coming to settle.The Heroine and her Aunt are owners of the coffee shop/pony express station. The Villain and his assistant have come to town and have set up a coffee cart to compete with the coffee shop, with plans to acquire the coffee shop/pony express station for themselves. When customers begin falling ill, Mayor Coffey and Doc Cappuccino are concerned it might be foul play. The Temporary Sheriff will do anything to save the love of his life, the heroine.
Tomsovic has acted many times and directed many plays during her time. She finds that allowing actors to develop their own character can be liberating and educational for them.
P. Tomsovic
Urbatchka plays the Heroine, and although she recently played a villain, she has the ability to change her voice from diabolical to innocent and sweet.
K. Urbatchka
During intermission, entertainment will be provided by the Cappuccino Cowgirls, featuring Pat Tomsovic on guitar, and singers Sherry Mercer, Shari Peddicord, Maureen Tunby and Gail Vanderpoel.
The public will have two opportunities to see the play. The shows are free and open to the public and will begin at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 20 and 21, at the Hub on Smith.