Drug and Alcohol Policy Update

The Sheridan City Council met for their second regularly scheduled business meeting of November Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Prior to Monday night’s City Council meeting, the City’s Drug and Alcohol Policy was last updated in 2010. City Attorney Brendon Kerns said a number of changes in the laws and the nature of our environment made it necessary to update the policy.
The updated policy that was approved unanimously by the Council Monday night includes random testing and reasonable suspicion testing.
Kerns said the reasonable suspicion can come from three different things. The policy states that the first is an adequately documented pattern of unsatisfactory work performance for which no apparent non-impairment related reason exists, or a change in an employee’s prior pattern of work performance, especially when there is some evidence of drug or alcohol related behavior on or off the work site. The second is physical signs and symptoms consistent with substance use, and the third is evidence of illegal substance use, possession, sale, or delivery while on duty.