Governor Gordon Celebrates First Anniversary of Wyoming-Based 988 Suicide Lifeline Service

In July, 2022 Wyoming and the rest of the nation transitioned to a simplified 988 number for suicide lifeline services. That same month, the state began offering full-time, Wyoming-based coverage 24-hours-a-day, every day. One year later, Governor Mark Gordon says that the 988 service and Wyoming-based crisis counselors are making a difference in reaching more individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
According to data from the Wyoming Department of Health, since the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline went into effect, Wyoming crisis workers have taken more than 4,200 calls in Wyoming. Of those calls, 99.8% did not require law enforcement or EMS intervention. In the year prior to 988, there were nearly 1,800 calls answered, an increase that officials attribute to both increased awareness through advertising, as well as the simplified, easier-to-remember number.
“These statistics are very encouraging,” Governor Gordon said. “The fact we are receiving more calls reflects the importance of this service – and the fact that the vast majority are handled without having to rely on law enforcement or EMS underscores the effectiveness and value of the lifeline. Wyoming is taking some positive steps in addressing the issue of suicide, but there is more work to be done.”
Suicide is a significant problem in Wyoming. The state has the most suicides per capita of any state most years. Governor Gordon has put an emphasis on shoring up Wyoming’s mental health care.
“Our community has lost several of our youth to suicide and the impact to the families and our community is indescribable” said Worland resident Nancy Frederick. “We need to acknowledge that suicide is affecting our communities and support things that will help. 988 is invaluable and provides a lifeline that we desperately need in our rural communities.”
During the 2023 Legislative session, Governor Gordon signed House Bill 65 establishing the 988 system for suicide prevention. The Legislature did not establish a permanent funding source for the lifeline. It is currently funded through June, 2025 primarily with federal COVID emergency funds.
“I look forward to further useful suggestions and fruitful discussions about how Wyoming can sustainably fund this important resource going forward,” Governor Gordon said. “We are still losing too many of our neighbors.”
After hosting Mental Health Summits in October 2022 and in April, the Governor’s Mental Health Task Force plans to host a series of Town Halls for later this year to engage members of the public. More information on those events will be announced at a later date.
Additional information on community-based suicide prevention resources in Wyoming, the Governor’s Mental Health newsletter and the Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) is available on the Governor’s mental health website,