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Univ. of Wyoming President Seidel Visits Sheridan Area

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The President of the University of Wyoming is praising what the University, Sheridan College, and the other community colleges in the state are accomplishing, when they all work together.

President Ed Seidel was in Sheridan on Monday (May 15th) to visit with officials at the College, as well as teachers and students at Sheridan, Big Horn and Tongue River High Schools.

Among the topics he gave praise to at a college gathering, included the software development program that the university, the college, as well as Western Wyoming and Central Wyoming Community Colleges are working together on.

President Seidel also acknowledged the Wyoming Innovation Partnership which was designed by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, to align education and workforce development and support innovation, entrepreneurship and research to help drive the state’s economy.

Ed Seidel

“If you have one university, and we have only 1 university in the state, with our 12,000 students, you can have a lot of impact, but think how much more you can have with 35,000 students across the whole state. If you cooperate with all of the community colleges and try to build programs together that are all designed to have impact on the economy of the state, then you can really begin to make a big dent in the problems that we have as a state, particularly around the economy.”

Spring semester graduation at both UW and Sheridan College was held this past weekend.

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