Cowboy State Daily
Column: ‘Common Sense Republicans’ A Nickname for Practical Wyoming Folks Avoiding Progressive Trends

Almost two-thirds of Wyoming residents fit into a stereotype that I call “common sense Republicans.” These are folks who seem to be getting hammered for just wanting things to be more normal.
“Common sense Republicans” is a nickname for folks who are anti-abortion, anti-gender-bending, anti-boys competing against girls, anti-pornographic books in our schools, anti-global warming hysteria, and who are upset about this new emphasis on how bad America is rather than how good it is.
Issues like the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and even Liz Cheney’s ill-fated campaign last August also come under this description. Let’s discuss them:
Progressive WyoFile columnist Kerry Drake wrote about transgenderism issues in his column recently.
He quoted a UCLA study that estimated there are 200 transgender students, aged 14-17, and 2,100 total transgender people in the state. This compares to 94,000 total school students and a state population of 585,000.
These common-sense Republicans wonder why are so many people even spending time talking about this. This seems like way too much attention for a tiny minority.
Common sense Republicans recoil at the thought of experimental transgender drugs and procedures being used on young people. Common sense tells you that this is crazy.
Most common sense Republicans do not believe it is their mission to convince transgenders to change their lifestyle or beliefs. Common sense Republicans just don’t want it flagrantly displayed just like they don’t want to see overt displays of affection by heterosexual teens and adults.
Today, you can legally kill a baby as long as it is safely in the womb. If you wait until after it is born and then you kill it, you go to prison. This is crazy logic.
Women should have rights over their bodies, of course, but does not that child with its active little brain and its beating heart have any rights? Look at that child with your eyes. A common sense Republican sees that baby as a real human, not some kind of medical procedure that can be sloughed off and tossed into a medical dumpster.
Is it really time to ban books? I never thought I would ever write this. As a journalist we defend printing and publishing everything, right? Wrong.
Do common sense Republicans wonder who in their right mind would want little kids to be exposed to explicit sex acts portrayed in these pornographic books being promoted as health books in some of our libraries?
Common sense Republicans delivered one of the biggest defeats of an incumbent in American history last August because our U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney did something that did not make sense during a non-scandal campaign.
Despite that she came from a famous Wyoming political family and had served for three terms, she found out what happens when you defy common sense. When she turned her entire Congressional effort seemingly to punish former President Donald Trump, she was, in turn, punished by common sense Republicans back here in Wyoming where Trump’s policies had been well received.
Just about all of Wyoming’s voters did not support Liz when she said she went after Trump on principle. They wondered why 230 of her Republican House colleagues did not share her view and neither did 45 Republican senators.
She defied common sense and was slaughtered at the Wyoming polls. Had not 25,000 Democrats and Independents crossed over, she might have gotten less than 24,000 votes by real Republicans in that election. Common sense Republicans could not be swayed by the record-$5 million she spent on her reelection campaign.
Common sense Republicans were appalled at the riot at the nation’s capitol on Jan. 6. But they also realized that out of thousands of peaceful protestors, just a tiny percentage of them crashed the capitol building.
Do common sense folks wonder why a few under-trained and out-manned tour guides/capital police were asked to hold back that crowd?
No common sense Republicans are cheering for what happened that day. It was a very dark day in American history. I have friends who even equate it to 9-11.
Shortly after that event, new president Joe Biden had 25,000 national guardsmen stationed there to protect him during his inauguration.
Common sense Republicans are baffled by how climate change international politics are being negotiated.
Woke government officials under President Biden want to close all of Wyoming’s coal-fired power plants while ignoring facts that countries like China and India are building new coal-fired plants as fast as they can.
India has 179 coal-fired plants with no plans to retire any of them until 2030. China consumes six times as much coal as the USA and plans on increasing that total. It defies logic to assume that there must be a different sky over those countries than what is over ours.
Common sense folks are appalled when they see young couples choosing to not have children because of their belief the world is going to end because of climate change.
This world disaster scenario has been taught with religious zeal to our school children for generations and these fearful actions are the result. Common sense folks scratch their heads because they look for evidence of an impending Armageddon and it is hard to find. These are just a few of the reasons why a majority of Wyoming people can be called common sense Republicans.

Fred Osborn
March 13, 2023 at 9:42 am
History will prove what #45 really was…is. Cheney was right and so called “common sense republicans” were wrong. Why do they call it commons sense when there is so little of it.
Don White
March 13, 2023 at 10:05 am
“Common sense Republicans’ is just Sniffin’s code word for MAGA extremists. He sounds like a commentator on Faux News, spewing nonsense, fear, intolerance, lies, and hate. Sheridan Media aligns itself with his hateful nonsense by publishing his column.
Ray Olson
March 13, 2023 at 12:39 pm
The only people who say that climate scientists are claiming the end is neigh are Republicans. The science is real (don’t forget that Exxon preformed the original research 40+ years ago and then spiked it because they feared it would hurt their bottom line). The theory has been reviewed and tweaked many times but the basic premise has survived intact- we are poisoning our planet and the longer we wait to do take action the worse the damage will be. Neither you nor I are likely to live to see the end of this (current estimates are that the significant effects will begin to cascade in about 30 years). You and I will be fine, but I was under the impression thhat you had grandchildren.I guess I was mistaken.
mark steingass
March 13, 2023 at 1:59 pm
To all those “Common sense Republicans that were appalled at the riot at the nation’s capitol on Jan. 6” and also might agree that “It was a very dark day in American history…the guy at the center of it all is running for president again…If what Sniffin says is correct Trump should lose about 2/3 of the Wyoming Republican vote…that is if Wyoming Republicans really do have “common sense”
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm
As I recall, Sniffin predicted a Cheney win. That said, much of what he said in this piece is true. Most Americans understand truth when they see it. Boys are different from girls, at birth and it cannot be changed by wearing a wig. It was a peaceful protest of a rigged election, until the feds and antifa broke in. And killing a baby is murder, whether done before or after birth. Common sense is abundant in Wyoming.
mark steingass
March 13, 2023 at 4:38 pm
yeah sure if that’s true then why did trump get trounced
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2023 at 5:04 pm
He didn’t. He got several million more votes than any presidential re-election in history. And supposedly biden got more than barry O. even though he never left his basement. It was rigged and stolen. Period. The truth will come out.
mark steingass
March 14, 2023 at 10:10 am
reply to dennis fox…more of your garbage about a “stolen election” what are you going to say after the 2024 election results if Biden trounces Trump again?…especially since numerous republican led states have enacted voting restrictions?…You are a travesty to that which you preach (freedom) with a distorted and false representation of our past 2020 presidential election
dennis west
March 13, 2023 at 3:13 pm
The old school “common sense Republicans” I grew up with and who, in bipartisan fashion, organized against the Wyoming abortion ban initiative in 1994 probably would not have agreed with your version of a pregnancy. By the way, that organized support FOR womens’ right to make their own choice regarding pregnancy prevailed 60/40 in the statewide vote. I suspect the same results would ensue if all the “common sense” Wyomingites, not just your sincere “common sense Republicans” and narrow minded religious legislators, got another vote on this question. As per the constitution, it certainly shouldn’t be your “common sense republicans” mission to mandate their beliefs on everyone. I suggest real common sense, as well fidelity to constitutional principles, leaves the complexity, nuance, circumstances, and spiritual view to the woman, her family and her health care providers. I wish true believers like Mr Sniffen would please stop promoting a simple minded (anything but common sensical) narrative for this profound health decision.
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2023 at 4:46 pm
So is “Thou shalt not murder” a form of “mandating one’s beliefs” on others? No matter how convoluted one’s thinking is; killing a baby, is not a “health decision.”
mark steingass
March 14, 2023 at 9:29 am
reply to dennis fox…your “killing a baby” statement is is simply garbage…if any republican seeks the abortion choice alternative does that make that republican a “RINO”?…because many republicans have made such abortion choices…the recent supreme court decision on roe-wade is just another example of a misguided political party promoting the loss of a long held freedom…since the republican party believes in restricting women’s freedom of choice then the republican party should expand Medicaid…failure to expand Medicaid equates to the same level as any parent who refuses to pay child support…aka “dead beat parenting”
dennis west
March 14, 2023 at 12:31 pm
Yep, thinking that any stage of pregnancy (e.g, from conception) is “a baby” is a belief. BTW, a belief that not everyone holds. Yep, making laws that apply to everyone based on that thinking is indeed mandating one’s beliefs. Not really too hard to grasp . . . except it seems for true believers who are sure they know best for everyone and therefore mandate.
Harriet Oleson
March 14, 2023 at 12:52 pm
So Dennis in your mind it is OK for closed minded legislators to murder adult women by not allowing them to abort life threatening pregnancies. Trump Won ??? even the FOX News owner admitted under oath they intentionally spread the same election lies you and trump are still spreading. Give it up and open your eyes to the truth. Besides trump is a much better liar than you are.
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2023 at 3:50 pm
Life of the mother is usually an exception.
Harriet Oleson
March 14, 2023 at 5:18 pm
You need to get your facts right Dennis. A lot of the laws make NO provision for the mothers OR the doctors, nurses or hospitals. Do your Homework before you post…
Mike McLaughlin
March 13, 2023 at 3:33 pm
Add bank failure to Brandon’s list
Mark Steingass
March 13, 2023 at 4:34 pm
reply to mike mclaughlin…you can not deflect blame on to the biden administration because the trump administration relaxed banking regulations…just like the trump administration relaxed safety regulations on Class I railroad carriers which directly contributed to the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
Harriet Oleson
March 13, 2023 at 6:01 pm
Mark Some” common sense” folks like Mike, are especially good at forgetting the FACTS about trump. That lets them continue to support him while blaming Biden for what trump caused. Then they don’t have to admit they have been totally fooled by the liar who tried to over throw our country.
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2023 at 4:41 pm
Collectivist rule #1. Always blame it on the other guy.
mark steingass
March 14, 2023 at 8:48 am
reply to dennis fox…facts are facts…trump campaigned vigorously then constantly bragged about deregulating big business regulations…especially banking regulations…trump signed an executive order that for every new banking regulation that two must be revoked…the trump administration then deregulated the railroad industry and repealed train braking rules that would have mitigated the large scale disaster that recently occurred in East Palestine, Ohio on the Norfolk Southern Railroad
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Our gov’t lied about Covid to engineer mass fear and mail-in ballot fraud. That allowed the coup of 2020, where a legally re-elected sitting president was replaced by a puppet-gov’t. The fed’s caused J6 as a distraction. (see Riechstag fire) and later the US/Nato caused War, as more fear and distraction. As long as the people are fearful, distracted and fighting each other, the ruling elites can do what the want. They continue to consolidate power and sow fear and discontent. We need to clearly see reality. They are trying to destroy America and Western Civilization. If we don’t stand for freedom now, we may lose it all.
Mark Steingass
March 14, 2023 at 4:55 pm
reply to dennis fox…from what you self explain above leads me to believe that you really are a piece of work
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2023 at 11:07 pm
Just a child of God, as we all are, using my right to free speech. I speak the truth as I know it, thru half a century of extensive research, multiple degrees and hands-on experience as an “instrument” of foreign policy.
mark steingass
March 15, 2023 at 9:48 am
in this media forum you have indicated disdain and suspicions toward government and in the past for military authority…once in the past you indicated that in the military “they treat you like a dog”…you are suspicious of government yet want to be part of government…you have made inaccurate statements about myself backing (or voting) for as you call her “dizzy lizzy” (Liz Cheney)…your comment once about “feeling kinda’ stupid” wearing a facemask going into Wal-Mart was another inaccurate statement because on that particular day you weren’t stupid for wearing a facemask…you were actually one of the smartest people walking into Wal-Mart for wearing a facemask IMO your opinions lack merit, lack common sense and I would never vote for you in any future election unless you undergo some kind of metamorphosis you just don’t appear to be open minded enough to be in a local government position
Dennis Fox
March 15, 2023 at 11:53 am
I believe you may have me confused with someone else. As an example, I’ve never had “disdain” for the military. Far from it. I admire and respect the military, for which I served 20 years. And the mask thing? No clue, it’s a personal choice, unless some gov’t issues a directive, which is of course illegal. I prefer to stick to issues.