Barrasso: ‘We Need More American Energy’

U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) recently spoke on the Senate floor about the need to unleash American energy to counter the Biden administration’s climate policies. Barrasso said winter storms have been covering the country from Colorado to Connecticut, and as temperatures drop, energy prices go up.
Barrasso said energy prices are dramatically higher now than when President Joe Biden took office.
Senator Barrasso also spoke about legislation he introduced this week to protect and prioritize America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and ban SPR sales to China. Barrasso said the House has already passed this legislation and the vote was completely bipartisan, as more than 100 Democrats voted for it in the House and there is no reason it shouldn’t be bipartisan in the Senate as well.

Fred Osborn
January 26, 2023 at 8:51 am
America does NOT need more coal the Chinese are doing enough damage with that. This Biden this and Biden that is pathetically old…#45 did no better so cut the propaganda and do your job you were elected to do instead of following the herd.
Debbie Davis
January 26, 2023 at 10:01 am
Well Fred, you know China doesn’t care about air quality. Obama made the coal electrical plants meet stringent air quality standards, they spent BILLIONS to achieve this. Now we should just shut them all down? I don’t know about you but when the temperature plummets to -17 this next week, I will be grateful for the electricity to keep my home warm! And yes solar and wind power are wonderful but not sustainable in Wyoming. You notice there are no windmills here in Sheridan (thank God).
Senator Barrasso, keep up the good work and fighting for Wyoming!!
mike duncan
January 26, 2023 at 10:18 am
Biden singlehandedly destroyed the american economy with his insane energy actions. Whats even more frightening is that there are sheep out there that agree with him till the bitter end.. or should i say bitter cold end…
Ray Olson
January 26, 2023 at 10:57 am
highest rate of employment ever- inflation has fallen for 8 straight months and the word recession has faded from the dialogue – biggest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower (and before you start yelling about deficit spending remember that 1/4 of the current debt which has been trending up since WWII was run up under 4 short years by Trump and we ended up with nothing to show for that 7 plus trillion dollars)-energy production is now higher than it was at any time under Trump- for the last 4 months wage growth has outpaced inflation. Citizens make decisions based on facts, if you’re looking for sheep you might want to peek at your mirror.
Fred Osborn
January 27, 2023 at 8:45 am
Agreed…but it is fruitless to mention anything but trump to his sheep. That lying crook will cause another rumble in the park since he managed to plant his hand picked buddies in various roosts in almost every state. The devil in disguise and fools eat it up.Meanwhile oil companies are raking in record profits and are buying back stocks to pump up their net worth…and we the people are financing them. Priceless.
mike duncan
January 27, 2023 at 11:27 am
wow fred. u should actually make Trump pay for that space he occupies in your head…Lyin crook? you mean like the russian collusio crowd? I bet you ate that up huh? Now who is the sheep?????
mike duncan
January 27, 2023 at 10:21 am
ROFLMAO. Nice try. Inflation fall very little from a 40yr high that biden created.
Infrastructure bill pushed inflation which know cost the avergage family and extra 6k just for basics. 75 percent of americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction…you omit facts RAY RAY.. I think Little Bo Peep is looking for your. BTW have u checked your garage for top secret documents? they seem to be showing up everywhere
Ray Olson
January 28, 2023 at 11:36 am
Making stuff up doesn’t make it a fact except in your head. And as to your response to Mr. Osborn, in case you didn’t notice (an example of cognitive dissonance no doubt) a number of Trump staffers are in prison for-wait for it-colluding with foreign operatives to influence the election.