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Senator Barrasso Discusses President Biden’s Energy Policies

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U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) recently stopped by Sheridan Media to discuss President Biden’s energy policies and the impacts those policies are having on Americans. Barrasso said that since his first day in office, Biden has waged war on the fossil fuel industry.

Senator Barrasso

Barrasso said we cannot power this country or economy on renewable energy alone.

Senator Barrasso

We’ll hear more from Senator Barrasso in a future story about a bill he recently introduced that would repeal the book minimum tax hike.



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    Fred Osborn

    October 13, 2022 at 8:01 am

    Barrasso and his brown shirt minions will stop at nothing to demonize anyone that does not goose step to their antics.Their rhetoric has proven they are part of the problem instead of trying to be part of the solution. The constant bickering back and forth is driving this country down…perhaps that has been the overall plan for a long time. Saddle up..I see a long,hard ride coming.

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      mike duncan

      October 13, 2022 at 2:03 pm

      ROFLMAO– nice talking points. what i got out of this small temper tantrum is that biden is a failure with energy and everthing thing else he has touched and this is a feeble attempt to deflect. You should be ashamed

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    Charles Cole

    October 13, 2022 at 11:27 am

    Sorry, Senator, but I made a suggestion to you back when you were Chairman of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the energy sector. My suggestion was that you use your office to promote a genuine, non-political, truly scientific debate among credentialed scientists in relevant disciplines (e.g. physics, thermodynamics, etc.) to rationally discuss the hypotheses which “climate scientists” have been ramming down our throats for many years now. You punted. All I received from your office was a form letter on a wholly unrelated topic. The Democrats have now pushed their climate alarmist agenda to ludicrous levels (check out California) and all you folks can do is complain about it. Physician, heal thyself (any reference to your real profession unintentional). Sooner or later America will be gobsmacked by the reality of needing a productive energy sector (see Germany now that they’ve “woked” themselves into an energy crisis). If (and this is a HUGE if) you retake the House and Senate in November, you really need to stop talking about these things and DO SOMETHING about this unacceptable mess we now have.

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      Harriett Oleson

      October 13, 2022 at 1:41 pm

      For goodness sake Charlie, quit embarrassing yourself by denying climate change. You are 15 years behind the time on this subject. The scientific conferences you are touting happened long ago and as a result 90% of the world scientists agree that it is REAL AND HAPPENING NOW !! Even with my lack of formal science I can see the climate changing in my 75 years of outdoor experience here in north-central Wyoming. Glaciers here are gone or melted to a memory. The seasons have shifted, the general climate here is hotter, winters milder. OH HECK !! why waste my time trying to explain what one can observe out their front door, to someone so BLINDED by their politics and their great distain for others who might THINK differently about ANYTHING. Senator Barrasso too, probably recognizes the futility of trying to show you that CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. Come Charley Catch Up with the world..

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    Clark Guelde

    October 14, 2022 at 5:02 am

    I think the senators agenda is more or less to bail Europe out of their bad energy decisions by exporting our gas and oil to them. Doing that isn’t going to help the American people anymore than the fairytale solutions the democrats often propose. Get ready for high energy prices regardless of which party is calling the shots.

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