Cowboy State Daily
Wyoming’s Message To Liz Cheney: “You’re Fired!”

For a brief moment in time, the smallest state in the union provided the biggest story in the country.
Media and political junkies from across the USA and around the world focused their attention on Wyoming’s race for U. S. Representative between incumbent Liz Cheney and Donald Trump-endorsed challenger Harriet Hageman.
Hageman slaughtered Cheney by an astonishing number. The vote was unofficially 113,025 for Hageman compared to just 49,316 for Cheney. It was a blow-out.
Perhaps even more amazing was that President Joe Biden, a Democrat, called Republican Cheney to console her for her humiliating loss to the candidate endorsed by her arch-nemesis (and Biden’s) former President Trump.
In the wake of her disastrous decision to run for reelection to the House seat she has held for almost six years, Cheney now has to figure out a way to avoid becoming irrelevant. Her only bastions of hope are finishing up her work on the Jan. 6 Congressional committee and perhaps landing a job at MSNBC.
The Democrats have used her to get to Trump. Based on her crushing defeat Tuesday, how much credibility does she have left? Outside of her hatred for Trump, do the Democrats and the left-leaning media have any further use of her?
The day after the election she said she is pondering running for president in 2024. What?
If her constituents out here in Wyoming who know her best destroyed her candidacy in such an ignominious fashion, where does she go from here?
And what makes her loss even more interesting is that just about the entire Democrat electorate in Wyoming crossed over on election day to help her out. Without them, this race might have been an 8:1 loss. This would have made her a laughable footnote in history. She would have gone down in political annals as spending more money per vote than just about anyone anywhere ever.
Cheney’s nonstop criticism of Trump made her a one trick pony and Wyoming voters both did not like the trick nor did they enjoy seeing it played over and over again.
Among all the national chatter about “anti-Trump” voters, most observers just did not correctly anticipate the amount of “anti-Liz Cheney” voters who were planning on going to the polls in Wyoming.
At least 30,000 Republicans who did not vote in 2020 went to the polls in 2022 to vote out Liz Cheney. This is amazing and just shows how sick and tired Wyoming citizens were of how Cheney was representing them back in Washington D. C.
I had to explain to dozens of national and international reporters that although this race looked like a proxy vote on Donald Trump, it was not. This was a job interview. And Cowboy State voters preferred the job applicant (Harriet Hageman) who promised to work the hardest for them compared to an applicant (Liz Cheney) whose goals were based on national issues. And the bottom line was the Wyoming voters did not agree with Cheney on any of it.
On Fox News the day after the primary election, Dana Perino (who grew up in Wyoming) said “out in Wyoming, voters are hyper-concerned about Wyoming.” She called her home state “a special place” and with the small population, voters were concerned about state issues more than national issues.
Aaron Blake of the Washington Post speculated that Cheney’s political career could be over, especially when it comes to running for president. He wrote: “The idea that Cheney would have virtually any shot at winning a national Republican primary after such a loss in her home state is, on its face, laughable. And Cheney is shrewd enough to know that.”
Coy Knobel has a lot of insights on political campaigning. He was press secretary and chief of staff for the late U. S. Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming for 24 years
Coy writes: Usually the candidates themselves go door to door, at least if it is a close race. Retail campaigning also means going to forums, parades, and big Wyoming celebrations throughout the summer. This is retail politics.”
Cheney was rarely seen in Wyoming during the campaign and did not even register as a candidate until at the last minute.
This campaign was memorable. I thought it had a chance to be close with all the cross-over voting but I failed to anticipate the huge anti-Cheney vote that was out there among folks who had not voted in years.
I have long respected the Cheney family. Still do. They served this state and their country well for a long, long time. But this was a devastating blow to the family legacy.

Thomas Jones
August 22, 2022 at 9:20 am
But wait! Shes not finished yet. Her new plans are to make sure that any candidate who questions the election results SHALL never be elected! How she plans on doin that is anyones guess, but you can bet that the contributions to her crusade will be immense from the uniparty elite! Does this mean that if hillary runs again, liz will engage the full extent of her crusade to thwart her plans?
Debbie Davis
August 22, 2022 at 10:02 am
Thomas, it’s doubtful she would thwart Killary’s plans except for running against her on the democrat ticket, as she is a true RINO after all. Good riddance! She’s as bad as her father was. I wonder what the number of republicans are who voted for her since we know that a lot of democrats changed over so they could vote for her? Liz, did you get the message yet? BYE BYE!
William morris
May 28, 2023 at 9:38 pm
She is American. Faithful and loyal the these United States and her creator. Many can not say the same. She may be the first independent American President who could have Sarah Palin as sec of state and Bernie Sanders as secretary of commerce. She could even appoint Hillary as attorney general. It’s time. It’s time to get rid of political parties and elect leaders. Liz is a leader. Time to do away with presidential term limits. The only way to defeat a person is in an election. If no term limits, think of this, no jfk assassination. Do not tread on me! Liz in 24
William morris
May 28, 2023 at 9:43 pm
Where do you get these absurdities? You can not form a coup and overthrow our govment! The game is played. The rules are set. If you want a receipt after voting OK tell your congressman, but don’t go out and try to overthrow Congress or the supreme court or the presidency
Claudette Sue Clinton
August 22, 2022 at 9:39 am
Charles Cole
August 22, 2022 at 10:24 am
Well, she did set one record. She suffered the largest defeat by an incumbent in the 21st Century. I, for one, am very pleased with the outcome. When you put petty, vindictive, personal issues ahead of your duty to represent your constituents, you get this result. Perhaps this can serve as a wake up call to all politicians. It isn’t all about you. It’s about the people you purport to represent. In that sense alone, this was an wonderful outcome — one which Cheney richly deserved.
Fred Osborn
August 22, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Last time I checked there are 49 other states and Wyoming is the very last on the list…on anything.So you’re dog don’t hunt. Cheney is right and history will one day prove it.
mike duncan
August 23, 2022 at 1:49 pm
I bet you think the captain of the Titanic was headed in the right directin too
mike duncan
August 23, 2022 at 1:59 pm
at least when Mondale ran against Reagan he was able to win his home state of Mn. Cheney would not be able to win wyo as proven recently
Linda Paulen
October 13, 2022 at 11:35 am
Totally agree with your assessment of this Evil.. Vile…nasty woman. She is a true deplorable dispicable excuse of a woman..
William morris
May 28, 2023 at 9:40 pm
You may be pleased now but will you feel the same when independent Liz wins the presidency in 24 with Sarah palin as her mate and Bernie Sanders sec of state?
Diane Davis
August 22, 2022 at 10:57 am
Mr. Sniffen, Not all of Wyoming
Clark Guelde
August 23, 2022 at 5:07 am
This was entirely predictable if you looked at past general elections and polling numbers for Cheney. No one should be surprised that someone who more or less runs as a democrat and pins their hopes for reelection on “crossover voters” loses an election in the reddest state in the country. Democrats have historically held very few state wide offices in Wyoming and their performance has been especially abysmal for the past ten years or so, there simply weren’t enough democrats to cross over to possibly throw this race for Cheney and encouraging them to do so was highly motivating to the anti Cheney voters.
mike duncan
August 23, 2022 at 1:50 pm
Liz Cheney: “You’re Fired!”
I am the REAL Abe Lincoln and i approved this message