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Students: Whitney Benefits has you covered

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During a time when it was almost unheard of, Sheridan area benefactor Edward A. Whitney willed most of his estate to establish Whitney Benefits Inc., creating the first educational foundation in Wyoming.

The Whitney Benefits student loan program provides interest-free student loans to Sheridan and Johnson County high school graduates for not only university and colleges, but technical and vocational institutions as well. According to Whitney Benefits Student Loan Administrator Jennifer Destefano, it doesn’t matter what year the graduation took place, the resident is still eligible to receive this interest-free loan. 

While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Destefano told listeners that it also includes equivalences.  

J Destefano  

Whitney Benefits also uses an online student loan application process. For the 2022 – 2023 school year, undergraduate students may be eligible to borrow a credit limit up to $24,000, up to $6,000 per academic year.

Destefano told listeners that she feels more prospective students would apply for these interest free loans, but many residents don’t know they are available, something Destefano and others with Whitney Benefits have worked to change. 

Destefano told listeners everything they would need to begin the application process. 

J Destefano  

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