Cowboy State Daily
Democrats, Independents May Determine Winners of This Year’s GOP Primary Races

Never in Wyoming history have we seen an election like the GOP primary of 2022. These three hotly-contested races are a fight for the soul of the Republican party.
Although it is called the Republican primary, it is easy to predict that 15,000-plus Democrats and Independents will have a big effect on who wins the three most contested primary races.
The 2020 presidential election saw 73,491 Wyomingites vote for Joe Biden. Let’s assume most were Democrats and Independents. If just 20 percent of these changed registration on primary election day, it would add about 15,000 votes to the final results.
Could these crossover voters tilt the U. S. Representative race to incumbent Liz Cheney over challenger Harriet Hageman?
Also, these voters may make what should be a close race between Chuck Gray and Tara Nethercott for Secretary of State into an easy win for Nethercott.
Plus, these 15,000 “bonus” voters could very well propel Megan Degenfelder to a comfortable win over current appointed State School Supt. Brian Schroeder.
Nobody in Wyoming has ever seen a campaign like this one where millions of dollars are being spent by the Cheney campaign to convince Democrats and Independents to vote for her. Her war chest is, by far, the biggest in state history. The Cheney campaign is spending boatloads of money trying to convince one Democrat or Independent voter at a time to get them to switch.
How hard is it to get 15,000 extra votes this way? It is very costly. I think my estimate of 15,000 crossover voters might be low.
This election is just crazy different from just about every other statewide election in our history. And the whole world is watching. I had phone calls from friends in Montana, Iowa, and Ohio asking me about the Cheney-Hageman race recently. Everybody is watching.
I have a large number of Democrat friends and anti-Donald Trump friends. At least I think they are still friends. Every single one is crossing over and I predict most of them will vote, not just for Cheney, but for Nethercott and Degenfelder, as well.
Besides the all-important U. S. Representative race, let’s talk about the other two interesting contested races.
The names reel off the tongue: Chuck Gray versus Tara Nethercott and Brian Schroeder versus Megan Degenfelder. None of these folks have run a statewide political campaign before. If some of them appear exhausted, it is because they really are worn out.
The campaign trail is brutal. And this time of year in Wyoming, it is hot, dusty, and it goes 24 hours.
We are in the final stages of the 2022 Republican primary and most of them are desperate to either hold what they are doing together or frantically trying to find some kind of secret sauce that can propel them to a win.
I have been involved in two statewide campaigns, my own in 2002 and with Foster Friess in 2018, both for a GOP nomination win in the primary. Alas, neither ended up with a victory.
Four years ago, after a vigorous debate in Sheridan, I ran into gubernatorial candidate Sam Galeotos in the hotel elevator about 10 pm that night. “You are up late,” I joked. He pointed at his suitcase and briefcase and said: “We are leaving now for Cheyenne. Have a meeting there tomorrow at 7am.”
Yes, that is how it is.
Earlier at an event in Wheatland during that campaign, Galeotos and Friess were having a conversation. Sam was complaining about how long the drive was from Evanston earlier that day to Wheatland that night. He asked Foster how about you?
“We were in Casper earlier today,” Friess replied. “It took us 11 minutes to fly here.”
Did I mention that it might help if you were a billionaire and owned a $27 million private jet? But I digress.
Today’s candidates must be mystified about how to market themselves. The Wyoming system invariably favors the incumbent because the summer season is a horrible time to campaign. Your expensive ads on primetime TV just do not get seen because people are outside enjoying themselves.
Digital marketing? Millions of dollars are being spent on Google, Facebook, YouTube, and other places in the Liz Cheney-Harriet Hageman campaigns.
Even the lesser campaigns are using digital, which despite all its bells and whistles about targeting, can turn a typical candidate’s mind into mush as he or she contemplates where to spend and where not to spend their limited money.
Although the Chuck Gray-Tara Nethercott Secretary of State race is not getting the publicity that the Cheney-Hageman race, it is a first-rate war. This is a battle for the heart of the Republican party.
Gray is a proven conservative with a hard edge. He is distrustful of many of the election systems in the country, including Wyoming’s. If elected, he will be in charge of those systems in the Cowboy State. He wants change.
Nethercott, also a conservative but without the hard edge, offers up a different view. She has served on legislative committees that have dealt with Wyoming elections and she disagrees with Gray about their integrity. If elected, it could be assumed that the current election systems would be maintained.
Current Supt. of Public Instruction Brian Schroeder, in a short time, has become a darling of the hard right.
But Megan Degenfelder has many years of service working for the previous Supt. Jillian Balow. Megan is the darling of the moderates and will get most of those crossover votes. In most states, 15,000 votes could be just an afterthought. In Wyoming they may make the difference between winners and losers on Aug. 16.

Thomas Jones
August 1, 2022 at 9:07 am
Election integrity? WY uses the ES&S tabulators. ES&S was subpoenaed by the state of WI over tabulation irregularities. A subpoena they ignored. This should raise red flags for any SOS.
Ray Olson
August 1, 2022 at 11:24 am
ES&S was not subpoenaed by the SOS of Wisconsin, who had certified the election results after 2 recounts. Rather the Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos (yes, a relative of the worst Sec. of Education in History), without presenting any evidence decided to spend $675,000 to hire a retired judge named Gabelman to conduct an investigation. Gabelman issued subpoenas to everybody from ES&S to Dominion and to every Democratic Mayor in Wisconsin. The thing the subpoenas had in common was that all the recipients treated them like the SNL skit they were, and when Gabelman tried to get a judge to compel compliance they got laughed out of court. So not really much to look at here- unless you’re really deep into the Qanon weeds.
Ray Olson
August 1, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Misspoke- Vos is not related to DeVos sorry
John r. Pilch
August 1, 2022 at 12:09 pm
Should be illegal to change parties on election day to throw the vote!The only reason lizzard will win is with this tactic!
Charles Cole
August 1, 2022 at 1:08 pm
The title of this article tells you all you need to know about this “Republican” primary. Establishment “Republicans” (quotation marks intentional) have worked for years to prevent the parties from running their own primaries. Hmmm. Now we’re seeing why. “Democrats and Independents may determine the winners of this year’s GOP primaries.” Read that title over and over and let it sink in. This is rotten to the core!
Fred Osborn
August 1, 2022 at 4:03 pm
We are seeing Democracy go down the drain in America and money has caused it. Greed will bring this country down and Khrushchev was right.