Fourth of July Celebrations in Sheridan’s Early Days
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7 months agoon
This Thursday is the Fourth of July. Most people look forward to a three-day weekend to spend with family and friends, cook some hamburgers on the grill, and enjoy fireworks to celebrate America’s Independence Day.
Independence Day is a federal holiday, commemorating the ratifying of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
The Homesteader, Wright, Wyoming on Friday, July 2, 1920, had this story about the Fourth of July, and how it came about.
What Shall We Do with the Fourth: The continental Congress in session in Philadelphia passed July 2, 1776, the resolution presented by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, begins, that these United Colonies are and ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance the British crown, and all political connects between them and the state of Great Britian is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.
This of course is the Declaration of Independence, the document now known as the Declaration being adopted two days later. On the adoption of the Lee resolution John Adams wrote to his wife the historic letter which says, among other things:
“The second day of July, 1776, will be the most remarkable epoch In the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty, it ought to be solmenized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, bells, bonfires and munitions from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore.”
Time has proved that John Adams, though he got his dates mixed, was a true prophet. Probably the Fourth of July is our distinctively American celebration. All the civilized world celebrates New Year’s, Easter, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas in one way or another. But Independence Day is ours alone. To be sure, we have Washington birthday and Lincoln’s birthday, which are also ours alone but “the Fourth” includes most if not all of what they stand for.
In short the Fourth of July comes mighty near being our national day when the American Eagle screams for everything from the Mayflower to the Agonne; from 1620 to November 11, 1918. Armistice day!
Sheridan celebrated the Fourth in many ways, as seen by this add in the Big Horn Sentinal – Big Horn, Johnson County, Saturday July 4, 1885
In The Enterprise, Sheridan, Wyoming, July 12, 1890, had this article after one Fourth of July celebration. INDEPENDENCE DAY. How the Glorious Fourth Was Celebrated in Sheridan. An Occasion Long to be Remembered by Our People. July 4th, 1890 was a day which the people of Sheridan and the county will not soon forget. Under the auspices of the Fire Department everything had been done to insure the occasion pleasant one for visitors as well us townspeople. For several weeks previous to the day, we celebrated members of the fire companies who had been going out to the fairgrounds every day putting the track, baseball grounds and buildings in good condition for the event, and Thursday evening retired from their labors with the satisfaction of knowing that everything was in readiness.
Wednesday night a splendid rain fell, which had the effect, of improving the racecourse, laying the dust upon the streets, and giving new life to everything. The day was ushered in bright and beautiful by the firing of anvils and other hilarious demonstrations by the patriotic citizen at sunrise, and in a short time the crowds from the country began to arrive. The engine, hook and ladder truck and hose cart had been becomingly decorated by the fire laddies and were drawn up in front of the engine house, where they were viewed by an admiring multitude. The firemen and band were out in full force with their new suits and presented very pleasing appearance.
The procession formed at 9:30 sharp, with Chief Enochs in charge, in the following order: Fire Department Cornet Band; Hook and Ladder Company; Hose Company; Engine Company; Members G.A.R.; Sons of Veterans and citizens in carriages and horseback.
The procession was the handsomest and largest ever seen in this portion of Wyoming and reached the full length of Main Street. The route was from engine house, up Main Street to Loucks street, down Gould street to Grinnell Avenue, then to Main Street to its south end, where the fire apparatus was dropped.
Conveyances had been stationed at this point for those afoot, and after short delay the crowd, which had been increasing every minute, hit the trail for the fair grounds. In few minutes the grand stand was comfortably filled, and William Drown, of Big Horn, orator of the day, was introduced. He delivered an eloquent address of about half an hour’s duration, when the base ball game was announced. Nine of the Engine and Hose boys defeated the Hook and Ladder nine by score of 14 to 7.
While the ball game was going on the ladies and assistants were kept busy laying their spreads for picnic dinner, and at 12 o’clock the happiest and largest crowd sat down to dinner that we had seen for long time. At 1 o’clock the judges, Hon. Geo, T. Beck, S. S.H. Hardin and Geo. L Smith, announced the races as next in order,and the following program was carried out: In the quarter-mile dash, for cow ponies only. The entries were HC, by Geo, S. Adams; Redwood, by Robert Brown; Eagle Bird, by Jas. Earnest; Fonda, by W. T. Jones. They were a fine looking bunch; with Redwood as favorite and RC a strong second. A fair start was given With Eagle Bird behind. Redwood passed under the wire an easy winner, Fonda second.
After the races, the band struck up lively tune and the people began to make arrangements to return to the city. In little while Sheridan presented lively appearance, and after resting the ball was looked forward to with impatience and great expectations, as darkness began to approach the various business houses along Main Street were ablaze with fireworks. At 9 o’clock the taps on the fire bell for parade were sounded and the boys soon rallied to headquarters.
With the band in front, followed by the two companies, the procession marched up Main Street and back to the court bouse, which had been elaborately decorated for the ball. Good music and prompting were furnished, and everything passed off nicely. Elegant suppers were served at the Windsor and American at midnight and with nearly 200 people fed.
Dancing continued until daylight, and thus ended the grandest celebration ever given in Northern Wyoming. It was remarkable and noticeable fact that in such large crowd there was not a drunken person seen either during the day or night, and perfect order and good feeling prevailed. The fire laddies and band are proud of the part they played in the celebration, and we believe the citizens of our little city are proud that they have such organizations in their midst. The success of the undertaking was largely due to tho assistance received from the businessmen and others, and we know the Fire Department appreciates the kindness.
And Ranchester had a large celebration in 1912 including a parade, fireworks, and a dance.
The Daily Enterprise, June 28, 1912, in the Ranchester News Column. As has been stated for a considerable time past, Ranchester will pull off the biggest 4th of July celebration ever held in the north, if not in all the state of Wyoming. It was this city’s intention to do that at the start and kept good its intention and will carry it out to the letter and visitors shall not be disappointed in what Ranchester has and does promise them as to entertainment on their glorious Independence Day; for among the special attractions for the visitors the Ranchester Booster club and the Park association have secured permits from Major Scott at the Crow Indian agency to allow Indians headed by Chiefs Bear Claw and White Arm, of Lodge Grass and Wyola, on the Little Horn, and Chiefs Sit Down, Spotted St. Xavir and Hoops on Forehead, at the Reno battle field, also the Black Lodge Indians, located on the Big Horn river, to attend the celebration in numbers varying from four hundred up.
These chiefs communicate with our boosters stating they are anxious to come and to start by the first and will no doubt be here on the second. They tell us they will give us daily parades with their sacred war horses, bearing real war trappings of wild war days past. The noble reds will be furnished whole roast beef barbecues during their visit with us. You know that the red man glories in a horse race as well as in a war dance you will find them entertainers.
The various attractive events of the day will close with a grand ball in Smith’s Hall for the benefit of the Ranchester Cornet band, to which all men with a dollar are invited; and an immense pyrotechnlcal display at dusk may be looked for if the materials can be procured for the purpose.
It is now a settled fact that the C. B. & Q. will run special trains from Sheridan here on the 4th and vi&itors here on that day will reach up into the thousands, but they will be cared for and don’t you doubt it.
Fireworks sellers have been around for many years as well in the Sheridan area.
There was this ad in The Sheridan Post, July 1, 1921
The Sheridan Enterprise, July, 1922 A Warn Fourth Forecast, Tomorrow the shades of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock and other great patriots who labored to bring about the Day of Firecrackers, will be ushered in, to the tune of exploding powder, rhythmical chortling of ice cream freezers, honkings and shrieking of Fords, excited whoops of small boys, strains of band music, popping of pistols, the pounding of bucking horses’ crackling hoofs, and the scream of the American eagle as he soars aloft.
There is nothing quite like the Fourth of July. It has a place all its own in American hearts that even Christmas dares not encroach upon. For one thing it is almost always hot— terrifically so! All our other great and notable holidays are cold, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Washington’s birthday, Christmas and Valentine’s. But the Fourth of July is hot!
The gay red and purple handkerchiefs that adorn the throats of the cowpunchers, the color of the fire crackers that are exploding on a sprightly in proximity to rearing horses and the delicate skirts of, lades, the odor of pop and burning powder, the noise of the bands and the sight of their brilliantly heavy uniforms. All is heat — exceeding heat. And now we ask you frankly, if after all this impassioned oration on the prevalence of heat on the Fourth of July, wouldn’t it be a joke, if it should rain tomorrow?
So, when you watch a fireworks display, or shoot off your own this Fourth of July, you are carrying on an age-old tradition in Sheridan County and Wyoming. Have Fun!!!!