Runners Converge On Dayton/Sheridan Area For 2022 Big Horn Trail Run

Long distance runners are about to head up to the mountains and take in a lot of scenery.
Friday and Saturday (June 17-18) is the annual Big Horn Trail Run as runners will compete in races that are either 18, 32, 52 or 100 miles long.
According to the latest report, runners will have some areas of snow, mud and fallen trees to deal with, but with high temperatures ranging anywhere from the low 80’s to the upper 90’s, that could cause wet areas to dry up quickly.
Race director Michelle Maneval says the competition started back in 1993 at the suggestion of some trail runners, and the event has grown in participation numbers ever since.
“There was a group of trail runners in town that were interested in doing these events, which were very far and few between at that time, now ultra-running has become a huge sport and Big Horn is on the circuit for all of the major trail runs in the country and very well known. We have people coming from 9 countries and almost every single state in the U.S.”
Dayton resident Keri McMeans says she’s been participating in the Trail Run since 1997 and this will be the 4th time she will be participating in the 100-mile event.
She says in such a long race, the best thing to do is not let such a large number of miles get in your head.
“The trick is to not think of the distance in its entirety. You really have to break it down, and so one of the tricks for ultra-running is we break it down aid station to aid station.”
The 100-mile race is scheduled to begin Friday at 9am on Tongue River road.
The 52-mile race is scheduled to begin Saturday at 5am at Jaws Trailhead.
The 32 and 18-mile races are also scheduled to begin Saturday at 8 and 10am respectively at Dry Fork.
All races will finish at Scott Park in Dayton.