District Court News

A sentencing hearing was held Tuesday in 4th Judicial District Court in Sheridan for 28-year-old Jacob Willson for the charge of felony DUI. Willson was arrested on July 16, 2021 after being pulled over by an officer with the Sheridan Police Department. Willson has three previous DUI convictions in Montana. District Court Judge Darci Phillips accepted the terms of the plea agreement reached with the State and sentenced Willson to 2 ½ to 5 years in prison, suspended in lieu of a split-sentence of four months in jail to be followed by three years of supervised probation. Willson was also ordered to pay $375 in various court costs and fees.
Also from District Court – a bench warrant was issued for Michael Widick for failing to show up for his sentencing hearing, which was scheduled for 9 am Tuesday in District Court. Widick was charged with felony child abuse for an alleged incident that occurred on August 8, 2021 at a residence in Sheridan County. Widick pleaded not guilty to the charge at an arraignment on September 29, 2021 and changed his plea to guilty at a hearing on January 22. The charge of felony child abuse is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.