Cowboy State Daily
Secretary of State Ed Buchanan Announces Reelection Campaign
Secretary of State Ed Buchanan, Wyoming’s chief elections official, on Monday announced he will be seeking a second term.

This story first appeared on Cowboy State Daily.
By Jimmy Orr, Cowboy Stat Daily
Secretary of State Ed Buchanan, Wyoming’s chief elections official, on Monday announced he will be seeking a second term.
In announcing his campaign, Buchanan, who was appointed to the secretary of state’s office in 2018, said he achieved the goals he set for himself upon taking office as the second-highest elected official in the state.
However, he added he has some new ideas should he be re-elected to a second term.
“I have some great ideas on how we can continue to give our customers world-class service and how we can ensure our elections remain secure and efficient,” he said.
Buchanan said his successes in his first term included revenue increases of 9% for the secretary of state’s Business Division, which “helped us remain a tax-friendly state.”
The state’s Election Division has been the subject of some allegations of problems with election integrity, but Buchanan has actively denounced charges that Wyoming’s elections were compromised and promoted improvements to the voting system in the state.
“We deployed secure and efficient election equipment for the 2020 election season and updated our election code, culminating in the passage of Voter ID,” Buchanan said.
The office also upgraded the state’s notary and security laws, he added.
“We did this all without interruption, remaining open for business during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
Over the last year, Buchanan has traveled the state seeking to correct what he has called the major myths about the 2020 elections.
Just last month, Buchanan was in Converse County where he gave the same presentation about election integrity and explained why Wyoming’s voting equipment could not be hacked
“Disinformation about election integrity is widespread,” Buchanan said. “In fact, spreading false information is one of the most common methods of attack used by those seeking to disrupt our elections.”
Buchanan said he looked forward to traveling the state and presenting “some great ideas” on how elections will remain “secure and efficient.”
Buchanan was appointed to the secretary of state’s office by former Gov. Matt Mead following the resignation of former Secretary of State Ed Murray in 2018. Buchanan won election to his first full term in 2018 defeating Democrat James Byrd.
Before being appointed secretary of state Buchanan served in Wyoming’s Legislature, acting as House Speaker from 2011 to 2013.
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