Teton Park Road To Be Snowplowed To Prepare For Upcoming Summer 2022 Season

Snow removal work is already underway in Yellowstone National Park, as well as the park’s neighbor to the south.
Snow removal has started on Teton Park Road within Grand Teton National Park.
Crews are working on a 14-mile stretch of the highway between the Taggart Lake Trailhead and the Signal Mountain area.
No one is allowed to access the road, while snow removal efforts are going on.
Skiers and those on snowshoes who use the areas next to the roadway, are cautioned to avoid the arc of snow blown from the rotary equipment, because pieces of ice and gravel can be thrown great distances.
The road is scheduled to open on April 1st to cycling, roller skating, skateboarding, roller skiing, walking, jogging and leashed pet walking.
Motorized vehicle traffic can access the road starting May 1st.
Other park roads within Grand Teton National Park are being worked on as well, and the opening dates vary from year to year depending on weather, snow conditions, plowing progress, wildlife activity and road conditions.