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Friday 07-31-20

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    Thomas Jones

    August 1, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    Nice marxist BLM/AntiFa propaganda. Perhaps you should have listened to what this Portland US attorney had to say before your show:

    He is no friend of the president.

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    EB Ferdig

    August 1, 2020 at 3:51 pm

    After listening to the callers, I have to say. 1. There is no way the Justice Center inPortland burns time the ground. It’s made of marble, concrete & steel. No one inside was ever at risk. 2. The area across from the justice center was never anything like CHAZ, nor was anyone trying to creat that kind of autonomous zone. 3. At least two people who were illegally detained has been released to tell their stories. 4. Cops are not being killed post George Floyd – look it up – that’s a myth. 5. Sometimes the Feds attacked the crowd after commanding dispersal (note: those people were not on federal grounds, but on city streets), but sometimes they attacked the crowd without any warning. I know bc I was there. I’m one of those moms & I live next to the mom quoted in the story. The guy who called in referring to the sample size of two? I’ve got thousands more people who were there & would say the same. We’re simply against police brutality & particularly how it is more deadly for black & brown people. You need to separate in your minds the BLM movement from the far right & far left agitators & you’ll be getting closer to knowing what’s really going on.

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