Chris Prosinski Football Camp Allows Youngsters To Learn Some Basics

Some youngsters recently learned how a “Pro”sinski gets the job done.
Earlier this month, more than 100 kids showed up at Clear Creek Middle School in Buffalo for a 1-day football camp, put on by Buffalo High School grad, as well as former University of Wyoming and NFL Football player Chris Prosinski.
When it comes to learning lessons about football or any other sport, coaches may preach the same lessons over and over again, but Prosinski says sometimes a pro can offer a different perspective on a lesson, and that different perspective could be all that’s needed to get the lesson to stick in an athlete’s head.
“I don’t know if it’s the experience part, or for myself, play at that level and maybe it just kind of sticks to them, or maybe with coaches they hear them everyday, so they learn to block some of that out, but hopefully they took a few things away from it, but at the end of the day, it’s just enjoying the time with some of their best friends and just having fun with it.”
Growing up Prosinski says his elementary and middle school football days, whether it was the backyard game, or some youth camp, those days were what helped build the foundation of his future success.
“I remember growing up here, whether going to basketball camps at the YMCA, or whatever it was, those were some of the memories that really stick with me. The backyard football, with the neighbors, so it’s just fun. It’s the most natural organic form of football, at this level. There’s obviously no money or contracts involved, it’s just, you get to go out and play and at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.”
Prosinski graduated from Buffalo HS in 2006 and helped the Bison win 2 football state championships.