Pansy Addington

Pansy Lee Dunlap Addington passed to the great beyond on Sunday, August 16, 2020. She was surrounded by her children and grandchildren and was at home — just as she wanted.
Pansy and her twin sister were born on the Ward Ranch in Stonewall County, Texas on October 16, 1928, the youngest of 5 children. She was born just before midnight and nearly had a separate birthday. Her brother, J. C., rode horseback to get the doctor, who barely made it to the house in time. They were his 22nd set of twins and he gave them their names: Pansy Lee and Peggy Lou.
She was a Texan by birth and to the core, however, her heart and home were Wyoming for the past 50 years. She never met a stranger and many became lifelong friends. She was our go-to person to help us remember dates, names, and faces. Small in stature but tough as nails — no matter her age, we learned quickly not to cross her. Quick to make someone one of her famous pecan pies, she brightened many lives and always had a story to tell or a listening ear to lend. Pansy loved to dance, play cards, and eat fried chicken on Sundays. Most of all, she loved to have a cup of coffee with a friend and spend time with her family.
Pansy is preceded in death by her husband, Robert, and his parents Effie and Frank Addington, her parents Jessie and John Dunlap, her brothers J. C. And Barney and her sisters Dorothy and Peggy. She is survived by her children, Frankie Addington (Bill Moore), Nancy Cervi, John Addington, Laura Addington (John Marinan), and Ted Addington (Catherine) and her grandchildren, Sabre and Stirling Moore, Riley and Jackson Addington, many nieces, nephews, and cousins.
She passed away exactly as she lived her life — on her own terms. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Carter County Museum, PO Box 445, Ekalaka, Montana. Pansy, who was thrilled to be a grandmother, always enjoyed this little town, which reminded her of growing up in Texas. The family invites you as well to share memories of Pansy on her memorial Facebook page.

Joel Derington
August 19, 2020 at 6:19 am
Prayers to the Addington Clan from the Derington Clan. Though we lived near each other a short time in Pampa, we still consider Pansy one of our second moms, riding herd along with my mom on all the feral kids in the neighborhood. It’s been such a blessing in recent years staying in touch with her via Facebook, sharing pictures, old and new, and enjoying hers, along with many stories. She’s one of the last folks to still call me “Joey”… a term of endearment from her. May she enjoy the stirrup deep grass of eterntiy. Her entry fees are paid. May God bless you all.
August 19, 2020 at 12:48 pm
Pansy was a lady beyond being a lady. She was kind and so much fun. Pansy is a person who no one will ever forget. Love you Pansy. Deepest sympathy to her family.