New Programs Under Development Within Northern WY Community College District

The Northern Wyoming Community College District could soon have new programs for current and future students.
District President Doctor Walter Tribley says some of the programs that are under development include software development, management and leadership, entrepreneuring, Graphic design, agri-tourism, hospitality and tourism management, and advanced material manufacturing to name a few.
Some of the courses will offer a certificate of completion, while others would offer an associates or bachelor’s degree.
Doctor Tribley adds the college is trying to move forward again and offer more classes on top of what it has.
“Every moment of adversity which we are facing now, loss of enrollment due to the pandemic, and other factors influencing our college, there’s also opportunity and the college staff has taken advantage of that opportunity.”
The new programs could be available as early as the fall 2022 semester, depending on when those programs can get accreditation.