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Rooted in Wyoming Receives Matching Funds

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The fourth annual Farm to Table and Hoedown Fundraiser for Rooted in Wyoming was a great success bringing in just over $63,000 in proceeds from the virtual auction, sponsorships, t-shirt sales and grant funds.

Thanks to the generosity of Pam and John Standish, sponsors, and supporters of Rooted in Wyoming (RiW) were able to double the impact of their contribution this year! The Standish’s offered a dollar for dollar match challenge for all donations up to $100,000.

“While we did not quite meet the $100,000 challenge, a $63,000 match is a substantial contribution to our mission and programs,” said RiW Executive Director Lise Foy. “This event is our ONLY major fundraiser each year. We are beyond grateful to all those who sponsored, donated auction items and bid in the auction. The Standish match is certainly a blessing in addition to the support from our generous community.”

Funds raised by RiW will continue efforts to make certain that the wisdom of food production is passed down, ensuring that future generations will have the skills and tools to take care of themselves in the coming years. Since January of 2016, RiW has contributed over 8,500 hours of volunteer work, established enduring partnerships, organized community efforts and has proudly helped facilitate bringing seven gardens into production.

This has been a challenging year for garden build projects that were on the slate for this spring and summer. RiW pivoted, just like everyone else, and re-designed their outreach with the community farm wall project and provided tools, seeds & educational opportunities to over 2,000 children in Sheridan County through virtual seed starting kits this spring. Each of the partner gardens had an incredibly successful planting season and harvest this fall.

“Getting gardens in our schools is gratifying!” says Pam Standish, a founding RiW board member and volunteer since 2016. “Thank you, Rooted in Wyoming, for helping make that happen. When you see the pure joy and excitement from the students planting, tending and harvesting from their garden and all the learning that goes along with growing, it is hard not to feel a sense of accomplishment for all that Rooted in Wyoming has achieved. Teachers can also use the gardens as that carrot that they dangle in front of their students-if you get your work done, we can go to the garden. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

The organization is moving forward with renewed energy and sense of purpose. The Board of Directors, after recently completing a strategic planning session, has a solid vision of the road ahead with three identified strategic directions: Building Program Resources for Engagement, Expanding and Enhancing Our Leadership, and a Proposed Path to Build a Center for Self-Sufficiency.

RiW partners with community organizations and schools to facilitate outreach programs and cultivate educational gardens. They envision a future where everyone in our state has access to fresh local foods and is also motivated to grow their own!

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