2020 season for Whitney Center for the Arts Starts Sept. 10

The Arts of Sheridan College will kick off the 2020 season of events at Whitney Center for the Arts on Sept. 10.
More than 30 events are scheduled, many featuring Sheridan College students and faculty. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a virtual option will be offered for most events, and tickets will be limited.
The opening event on Sept. 10 will be “Current Relics,” an exhibit by Sheridan College art faculty Rod Dugal.
On Sept. 12, as part of the Celebrate the Arts Festival, Sheridan College art faculty Dr. Rachel Bergman will give a flute recital, “Flute Favorites,” with Chadron State College pianist Bobby Pace.
In October, the feature will be a collaboration between Sheridan College Dance and Liz Dibble, co-assistant director of contemporary dance theater at Brigham Young University.
November will include six performances by Sheridan College faculty and student ensembles and the return of Skyline Singers, a professional chamber choir made up of eight singers from Wyoming and Montana.
The season will continue next year with performances that include Grammy winner Roy “Futureman” Wooten and Tracy Silverman, brass quintet Boston Brass, the 19-member Whitney Center Jazz Orchestra, Sheridan College ensemble-in-residence Wyoming Baroque and the Sheridan College Bands POPS Concert.
A limited number of tickets will be available for each event, to ensure social distancing, and masks are required in all indoor public spaces at Sheridan College. Livestream tickets will also be available for most events.
A full list of events can be viewed at Tickets are available online or by calling the Whitney Center for the Arts box office at (307) 675-0360.